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Pantanal bird # 1 (1 Viewer)


Morten Ross
Donacobius atricapilla

What species is this?

Brazilian Pantanal, nesting in thicket by a river.


  • 20131112-DSC_8659a.jpg
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Donacobius atricapilla does not have white on head nor does the pictured have the yellow iris of atricapilla.

Juveniles and adults in the SW Brazil does have white in head (according to the Brazil field guide I looked at yesterday - van Perlo).

My source is Wildlife Conservation Society's Birds of Brazil - The Pantanal Cerrado of Central Brazil, and it's not mentioning any white, nor a brown iris - it's clear on yellow iris. The same goes for The Birds of Ecuador (vol 2)...
So at what age does the iris turn yellow and the head black?
I have just added this info to the opus page for Donacobius

Please upload this image, we do not have a photo of a bird with eye line in the gallery

Yes I definitely think you're right regarding Donacobius atricapilla albovittatus! Thanks!

I also saw the lynxeds image, but I didn't notice ssp albovittatus.
Their range overlap, so how to know which is which?

Very interesting there are so few confirmed juvenile photos, and none regarding the yellow iris missing in juves.

Image uploaded.
From 'Birds of South America Passerines' by Robert S. Ridgely and Guy Tudor:
"In Bolivia has a narrow white postocular streak, as do juveniles throughout range." page 526
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