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Protein feeder for hummingbirds and kinglets? (1 Viewer)


Well-known member
United States
I'd love to see Ruby-crowned Kinglets up close. I know they don't attend most feeders, but I've seen designs for feeders that grow fruit flies as protein for hummingbirds. They all basically amount to the same thing; a container of mushed-up fruit that fruit flies will breed in, often with a lid that has small holes so the flies can crawl out and the rain doesn't get in too much. Seems like it'll work, and kinglets like fruit flies, right?

Is this worth a shot?

Edit: remembered I do have this photo! So they'll at least visit feeders. Any ideas what this little guy wanted out of the seed bell?
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1. The Black Oil Sunflower, as the darker black is preferable and 2. The Safflower seed. Now for the vast majority of birds the order would be reversed. Again you'll find black oil seeds oft times come in a lighter shade of black so whatever the cost when you can find the darker that's the better choice.
Don't know what your site consists of but if you have tillable turf then create a patch/tilled and composted, and incorporate Red Wiggler worms into it. I've had success with that.
Interesting. Is the dark color of the seed purely to attract them, or does it indicate a higher nutritional content?

Earthworms are nonnative and destructive in much of the US, unfortunately. And aren't they a bit large for kinglets? I've found earthworms that probably weigh more than kinglets do, and I was under the impression that kinglets mostly eat tiny insects.
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