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Replacement advice for a Panasonic Lumix DC-ZS70 (1 Viewer)


Hello everyone. I am wondering if anyone might have some suggestions for me about replacing my Panasonic Lumix DC-ZS70.

I love this little camera but unfortunately the zoom switch has failed and I need to find a replacement. I liked this camera because it is great for getting pictures good enough to ID birds and it is small and light enough that I can easily kind of palm it in my right hand while I'm looking through binoculars so it's always right there. It also has a viewfinder which I didn't realize when I bought it would be so important for being able to take steady pictures with at long distances. WIth the camera zoomed all the way out to 720mm, the view through the camera is slightly closer than the FOV of my 8X42 Monarch 7 binoculars. I'd leave it on ready to go and I could go for about four hours or so before I'd have to swap the battery.

I'm in the same budget range which is about up to $400 USD. I'm looking at simply replacing it with the updated model (ZS80) or I could try something different. From just poking around the Adorama and B&H sites, I'm thinking that maybe the Lumix FZ-80 is a close second choice.
I don't know much about the current spectrum of cameras available and I realize that my budget doesn't give too much room to play with but I'd really appreciate it if anyone might have and advice or some other camera ideas to consider.

Thank you very much.
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