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Rubber Allergy (1 Viewer)

Ah, if your bins are waterproof then nip into a coarse fishing tackle shop (a good one which is a problem in Plymouth as they are all sea fishing shops really) and ask for some 'shrink type pole sleeves'. These are tubes of black plastic that come in various sizes and shrink when held over a steaming kettle (why you need waterproof bins) and they will close up as much as they can over the eyepieces. You then trim to clear the actual eyepiece glass for viewing. Worth a try. They were intended to protect pole sections from wear and tear as well as repair broken sections but I used them for other things too.
Jason - On the pair of Nikons I have there is a small casing ring around the eye cup that can be very irritating. It might be that and not an allergy.
Thanks, everyone, for the replies. I think I'll ask Warehouse Express whether they've any hard replacements or other ideas and then resort to the shrink-wrap method if need be (thanks for that tip, Andrew).

Leetar, what exactly is the casing ring you mention? I didn't make it clear, but I was actually thinking more of my scope when I asked the question. I've always been apt to get a mild irritation occasionally from my old Leitz bins - not enough to worry about - but I'm getting it a lot with my new scope. I was using it almost constantly on Saturday morning and my eye was still itching in the evening - even my wife remarked that it looked a bit red. Since I'm getting it from both sources I think it probably is a reaction to the rubber.
Actually I meant casting ring. Can't type most of the time. It is a little rim that is created when they pour the mold. If it is there you should be able to just feel it by rubbing your finger over the edge.


Bluetail said:
Thanks, everyone, for the replies. I think I'll ask Warehouse Express whether they've any hard replacements or other ideas and then resort to the shrink-wrap method if need be (thanks for that tip, Andrew).

Leetar, what exactly is the casing ring you mention? I didn't make it clear, but I was actually thinking more of my scope when I asked the question. I've always been apt to get a mild irritation occasionally from my old Leitz bins - not enough to worry about - but I'm getting it a lot with my new scope. I was using it almost constantly on Saturday morning and my eye was still itching in the evening - even my wife remarked that it looked a bit red. Since I'm getting it from both sources I think it probably is a reaction to the rubber.
A cheap and easy fix is to go to your local chemist and buy a roll of micropore tape, and edge the eye pieces with this.

It's easily removed, doesn't leave any residue, is definitely hypoallergenic, and will solve the problem for pennies.

Dunno if I'd recommend the shrink-fit solution (no offence, Andrew), because waterproof or not, I can see no good coming from inflicting expensive bins to steam for a kettle, even for a short period! ;)

Also, if the eyepieces are of soft rubber, they will in all likelihood distort as the shrink-fit contracts. I've used the same stuff to reinforce rod sections (I build and repair rods on occasion) and it does tighten up pretty significantly against the blank, so I'm pretty certain it could "mangle" the eyepieces...

Actually, I've just tested that theory - sad, eh? - and the eyepiece is OK, but trimming the shrink wrap such that it covers the very edge of the eyepiece without being an irritant in its own right, is beyond me. Plus, it makes the soft rubber uncomfortably hard, because the shrink tube goes very stiff when it cools.
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