I am in need of some more input on shorebird ID (clearly I need to work on this family of birds). Two days ago I observed what I believed to be 3 Solitary Sandpipers. I digiscoped a couple pictures and a video that I posted, and the consensus was Solitary Sandpipers as well. Here is the link to that thread for reference. CLICK HERE
Today I returned to the same location and observed 3 Lesser Yellowlegs. They were taller, with more mottled backs, had white rumps when they flew, had straight bills approximately the length of their heads (not upturned), and of course had yellow legs.
I returned 4 hours later with my long lens to try and get some better photos and saw what looked like 1 Lesser Yellowlegs and 2 Solitary Sandpipers. Either I've got a mix of birds here or my eyes are playing tricks on me. Here are the photos I took this evening, multiples of each. I believe Bird 1 and Bird 3 are Solitary Sandpipers, and Bird 2 is a Lesser Yellowlegs. Notice how Bird 2 is taller.
Bird 1
Bird 1
Bird 2 and 3
Bird 2 and 3
Bird 2
Today I returned to the same location and observed 3 Lesser Yellowlegs. They were taller, with more mottled backs, had white rumps when they flew, had straight bills approximately the length of their heads (not upturned), and of course had yellow legs.
I returned 4 hours later with my long lens to try and get some better photos and saw what looked like 1 Lesser Yellowlegs and 2 Solitary Sandpipers. Either I've got a mix of birds here or my eyes are playing tricks on me. Here are the photos I took this evening, multiples of each. I believe Bird 1 and Bird 3 are Solitary Sandpipers, and Bird 2 is a Lesser Yellowlegs. Notice how Bird 2 is taller.
Bird 1
Bird 1
Bird 2 and 3
Bird 2 and 3
Bird 2