Over the past week or two, its like they have become possessed. The season started out slow, with mostly males and a random female here or there hitting my flowers and feeders throughout the day. Now suddenly there are a couple hand-fulls buzzing around at any given time and they are quite aggressive towards each other. Its fantastic action but some of them are quite the bully! I am assuming many of these are newly fledged trying to establish or protect areas such as my feeders and gardens to prepare for the upcoming migration south. But its so interesting to see how their attitudes have switched over recent days. Ive put out a few extra feeders, and spread them out as much as possible but it doesnt seem to matter much. There are some males that will perch all the way across the property on a wire or limb, and just wait to dive bomb any unsuspecting hummers. They are like little missiles! If I recall they will only have a single brood per summer, so I am guessing this is how its going to be the rest of the season. Quite a show. Any thoughts on what else I can do to help keep them separated and battling so much?