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South Jersey thread (1 Viewer)

🤣 Yeah I know. It's always going to be Brig to me, I'll never forget the 2 American Bitterns landing right beside the car back in 1975.

As for the warm clothing advice, absolutely. It's really bitter when the wind rips across the inlet. You need multi layered gloves as well as jackets.
You often don't need a long lens to get great shots as at times the Harlequins hang around on the jetty just a couple of yards away.

Those are magnificent!
I saw a flock of Cedar Waxwings today. They are such gorgeous birds. It made me happy, as I have not seen any in a long time. I think they are declining around here, as my 10 year old Sibley guide lists them as common but Merlin has them being uncommon. Of course as soon as I picked up my camera they took off 😒
Hey Ed, there was some good activity at gull pond tower so far. Coots, green teal, pintails, and an adult eagle cruising around, but the harrier hasn't shown up yet.
I recently discovered that Stockton University is a very good birding venue, even though I an an alumnus from 30 years ago. A-wing circle and nearby lake Fred are particularly good for song birds and those who feed on them. I saw a flock of cedar waxwings at A wing circle and got some good captures I hope.
Just a few photos from Monday. It wasn't much happening there, but it was a good day anyway.


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Today I saw an adult bald eagle go to ground in the salt marsh, sat there a bit, and took off with something in its talons. After looking at the photos I could see it was a big clump of marsh grass. I can only assume the resident pair are starting to repair and line their nest for the upcoming brood. Looking forward to a new batch of eaglets!
Good luck Ed! It is too far for my 500mm, except for landscape style shots. You know I'm thinking about a 500mm prime you told me about with a 1.4 converter, but it's just like taking out a mortgage!
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