missing the neotropics
Jealous of the Cotinga experience, since they are my favorite bird family, adding salt to the fact that except for the Screaming Piha, Capuchinbird and Guianan Cock-of-the-Rock, every single Cotinga I saw while I was in Guyana was either female or just didn't show up! Imagine seeing a fruiting tree with one Spangled and three Pompadour Continga, but all are females...
I’ve spent most of my birding life in S America - about 1500 days birded I guess so far? - and I have only ever had one sh*tty look at Purple-throated. In the past few days I’ve gone from my lifer Purple-breasted to 7 total! It’s a bit of luck you could say, but realistically it’s more a question of just putting in time as a large number of the Amazonian and Choco birds are some mixture of hard to find / hard to see. The only people who have seen everything well are people who guide for decades or who live there and bird every day.