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Strange flicker? Ontario, Canada (1 Viewer)

Tom Lusk

Well-known member
When this bird was flying towards me, it looked all white.

It landed about 60' up in a tree where I got just a couple of shots before it left.

Flicker-sized but not right colours - head, breast and under-belly all white - no markings.

Is this a Northern Flicker exhibiting some leucism?

All info most appreciated. Thanks!


  • WHITE WOODPECKER-sharpen.jpg
    WHITE WOODPECKER-sharpen.jpg
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  • WHITE WOODPECKER 2-sharpen-.jpg
    WHITE WOODPECKER 2-sharpen-.jpg
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We've had Red-bellieds on our property for approx. 20 years, year-round and I had never seen one without any colour at all on the head and breast.
This must mean I had never seen a fledgling or juvenile. Now I have. Thanks.
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