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Swarovski SLC is now morphing into the Kahles Helia S 42 (1 Viewer)


Experienced observer
United States
It has been mentioned Swarovski is going to discontinue the SLC 42 models. Kahles is now offering a new model, the Helia S 42, and it has
the same specs. as the SLC. They say it is available in April 2021. Kahles is part of Swarovski.

So that means with an armor change we now have a new brother model of the SLC.

Maybe someone can post a link, the Kahles is brown with some differences.

I posted this under the Swarovski subforum for obvious reasons.

They do look identical to the SLC bar the colour.
However, orange stripes......not so sure. I wonder if they will offer other colour alternatives?

If this is really the SLC under the Kahles badge then this surely moves Kahles into Alpha market territory which would be a bit of a game changer, especially if this is indeed an SLC with different body armour.

Will be very interesting to hear of the first test results when someone gets their eyes and fingers on them.
I learned on another forum, a retailer said the Kahles binoculars mentioned will not be sold in the US.

So perhaps the above is consistent with Swarovski introducing a new x42 CL series later in the year?
If so, Swarovski may not wish to be in effect competing against itself in the lucrative North American market
(And yes Jerry - to save time and effort on your part - I'll consider myself to have already been admonished by you!)

HI JG (post #11),

If that's the case, Swarovski would seem to be abandoning a significant price point in the x42 market

So perhaps it might mean that Kahles binoculars will come back to the North American market?
(and maybe this will become clearer closer to the Helia S availability in April?)

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I'm not sure John. It took me by surprise as well. Kahles tried and tried and tried to secure a third party warranty, customer service "partnerr" here in the USA. After several years worth of changing and trying this model it failed miserably, which is why I wouldn't be the least bit interested in anything Kahles. Swarovski does not service or repair Kahles branded optics.
Hi JG,

On the Kahles site, it indicates that Swarovski Optik North America (aka SONA) does service Kahles 'devices and products’
for both the US and Canadian markets
See the attached screen grab from: https://www.kahles.at/us/service
So perhaps this is a recent change?



  • Kahles and SONA.jpg
    Kahles and SONA.jpg
    302.4 KB · Views: 9
You are misinformed, Swarovski is performing warranty service on all Kahles optics. As mentioned Cranston, RI, is the
place, Swarovski, US service center is located there. This has been the practice for a few years already.
That means Kahles, which is a part of Swarovski will have a very good warranty, some rank it the finest.
I've been told recently there are indeed CL 42's in 8x and 10x in the works, so it'll be interesting to see what transpires.
OK, Thanks for the update, but I do know in the not so distant past things were as I stated, which is why Kahles never got a good foot hold here in the USA.
If there are new x42 CL models in the works, and if they follow the x30 CL model and end up being light weight, compact, but not quite cutting edge FOV and field flatness, it could be a lovely package. Shrink the SLC optics/quality into an MHG x42 sized frame, give it a better focuser, that would be a lovely binocular!
OK, Thanks for the update, but I do know in the not so distant past things were as I stated, which is why Kahles never got a good foot hold here in the USA.
Well that seems logic to me. The former Kahles bins were from Japanese origine and I can imagine SONA/Absam won't touch them.
The current (april) Kahles bin is the Swarovski SLC in a new jacket and SONA can service them easily.

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