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Where premium quality meets exceptional value. ZEISS Conquest HDX.

Technical description of this behaviour of my Swarovski 8x56? (1 Viewer)

here's a pic - for me it's about 1.25 rotations out to the correct height (the same spot Swaro, Nikon, and Leica go to at full extension). It takes 5 rotations to unscrew them completely, so I feel like they're secure. I occasionally look down to see if the tape marks have moved while I'm birding...they generally stay in the same place.

The o-ring on the right barrel is doing its job holding the eyecup from moving, I put two o-rings on the left one but they've shifted upward, so it goes, one of these days I'll take them off and trying packing the entire space with o-rings....doesn't look like Zeiss is interested in offering a better eyecup, it's been like this many years now.

Not if I already have them on the last stop.

I’m not going run them out on the threads.
I have the Swarovski 8x42 EL model and I know what you are taking about. But.... when they are all the way in your eyelashes can touch the glass and leave oil marks. That all the way in position is actually for eye glass users.
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