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Thailand - Yellow-bellied Prinia (1 Viewer)


Well-known member
Dear Members and bird watchers!

Birding yesterday in the Phraek Nam Daeng area, fish ponds and rice paddies. I spotted the bird on the attached pictures and I instantly reported it in my eBird checklist in my app.

I was just whistling along never given the bird a second thought. Back home and I see that the bird have a red / black bill, something I have not seen before. I checked my old pictures and all of my birds have black bill.

I have three different field guides for Thailand. In my guide nothing about the bill is mentioned, just the pictures.

Anyone here seen a Yellow-bellied Prinia with a red and black bill?

Kind Regards and Happy Birding


  • 1026.jpg
    92.9 KB · Views: 15
The bird in the photo here is a Plain Prinia. As well as the pink base to the bill (typical in Plain), the bill is deeper than on Yellow-bellied, the head pattern is different (broader supercilium continuing above and behnid the eye) and there is no contrast in colour between the head and mantle.
The bird in the photo here is a Plain Prinia. As well as the pink base to the bill (typical in Plain), the bill is deeper than on Yellow-bellied, the head pattern is different (broader supercilium continuing above and behnid the eye) and there is no contrast in colour between the head and mantle.
Thank you johnallcock! Again!

Now I have lost track on the numbers of time you have helped me. It was so yellow so the Yellow-bellied was the only option for me. Of course, reflection from foliage and sun light/ shadow.

Highly appreciated!

Kind Regards and happy birding
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