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Trinovid HD dioptre adjuster where situated? (1 Viewer)


Well-known member
I'm seeing pictures where the adjustment is situated sitting above the focus wheel as per the older Trinovid. Very confusing to see other pictures where the dioptre is built into an eyepiece.

It's 8x42 I'm interested in. Would much prefer the siting to be above the focus wheel

Can anyone clarify what the situation is please?
I think that you have to examine the binocular that you are interested in, as photos can get mixed up and be misleading.
Possibly older one central, newer one on eyepiece.
I find the eyepiece one more accurate, but many prefer the central one. It adds complexity.
I'm a little clearer... It seems the new HD trinovid has the dipotre on the eyepiece. I'm not sure which Trinovids have the centre dioptre above the focus wheel it seems there's a newer version with such an arrangement and it's post the BN and BA and perhaps predates the HD......not sure.
Anyway the new trinovid dioptre is on the eyepiece.....l I'm clear on that bit.
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