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Untitled... (1 Viewer)

Merry Christmas, Phil! And marvelous job on the cranes piece - I missed commenting earlier when you finished it. That was a major project!
Merry Christmas to you and yours Phil, and that crane work is just a wonder, what a marvelous composition you made of it.
Been a long time. Sorry my dear friends!

Saw this today. Thought it might be of interest, at least to Cornish aspiring artists...


Hope to pick up a pencil, pen, brush again soon. Meantime been making films instead. Hope you find something you like here...


All the best to all of you here!B :):t:

ps I think these were the last time I put something down on paper...:-C


  • The Young Ones.jpg
    The Young Ones.jpg
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  • Gull Story.jpg
    Gull Story.jpg
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Thanks. Been a bit absent from art for a long time. Hope 11 days re-visiting Menorca soon will kick it back into touch. Really would like to get back on the Art Forum and contribute again!
Thanks. Been a bit absent from art for a long time. Hope 11 days re-visiting Menorca soon will kick it back into touch. Really would like to get back on the Art Forum and contribute again!

welcome back old bean

the hogs are great- reminds me of an album cover: something about their line-up and youthful swagger
Had a good job finding my own thread! :eek!:

Woah! I was so busy sorting this life out, that I had no time for coming back here.
For that I do apologise, and hope to be a regular correspondent once again...

Did 3 Hoopoe acrylic canvases in November. Hope they bring you all some Balearic Sunshine in these dark days...;)

Results below...

In the meantime, I wish you all luck, love and joy in 2013. And a happy season of Mid-Winter. ;):t:B :):king:

ps New Wildlife Illustration Website here.... http://philbaber.weebly.com/index.html

(The Cartoonist Baber is flaunting a portfolio here... http://philbabercartoons.weebly.com/,it's all art, in a Wildlife Way! :cat:)

Hope you enjoy it all.

Hope to be a better contributor here in 2013. Much love to all!

Phil B :)


  • Hoopoe Flight 22.11.12.jpg
    Hoopoe Flight 22.11.12.jpg
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  • abubilla1.jpg
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  • HOOPOE IN FLIGHT 22.11.12.jpg
    HOOPOE IN FLIGHT 22.11.12.jpg
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Have missed your warm heart and witty comments Phil, i was gone myself for a while as I got my new life up and going so I know how that goes...
Still trying to get going so tho I read it all I'm not posting often

Untitled Is Unfinished!


Well well. Hello again. It's been a hectic and not always agreeable 11 years since I last posted on this thread.
Since that time all sorts of curved balls have been thrown in my direction. So, the ability to keep this thread going drifted away, unfortunately.
Two years ago, I moved to Pembrokeshire, West Wales, and life has slowly begun to unravel again in a better way.
So much so, that I've felt comfortable enough to revisit the sanctuary of birding and putting birds on paper. This was kick-started again by having a very rare bird turn up on my local patch. And my desire to put my impressions of it into an artwork - to pull it apart and piece it back together again. Just like I used to do.
I remembered I had a thread on here in the past, and considered starting a brand new one. But the original thread had 30 pages of history in it, so, rather than starting as a newcomer again, I considered it might be beter to use that as a re-introduction to who I am, and what i do.
I'd forgotten how much joy drawing & painting birds had given me in my life. After all these years I am happy to be here again.
I hope you enjoy the new stuff I will be doing, and can look back at some of the past stuff and enjoy that too.
So, without further ado?
I'm currently working on a composite piece based on my intimate encounters with the Magnolia Warbler at St Govan's Head, Pembrokeshire.
The first noodlings of it appear above, the rest as it happens...
Work in progress, but I soon hope to have it finished, and am debating whether to do a limited print of the finished article, depending on any interest generated.
It's good to be back at last. Hope you are all doing well?

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It's likely that no further discussion is required, in which case we recommend starting a new thread. If however you feel your response is required you can still do so.

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