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Very busy at the bird feeder today! (2 Viewers)

We seem to have the CT, GT, BT's coming in one group, followed by the Chaffies, Goldies & Greenies. Then one big group of Sparrows. Makes a change from about 2 weeks ago when there wasn't much visiting.

Even though the increased number of Birds, the Sparrowhawk seems to have lost his timing and visiting when there is nothing about. Yesterday he sat in the rain for over an hour and still didn't get anything.

Just had a nice suprise, heard a BT shouting the odds so thought that the Sprawk was about...but then saw BT go to our camera monitored nest box, ran downstairs and put the camera on and found it was settling down for the night. A couple of years ago we had a male GT used the box for 18 months...even during the summer as well..must have been his bachelor pad.
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I have just the two coal tits who carry out frequent 'hoarding raids' in unison on my foodstuffs - they're at it for most of the day (except when it's raining - no sign this morning in the downpour, unstoppable flying machines these afternoon when the sun came out to play). They don't run away from me anymore, and are the most fearless of the tits to visit.

Greats and blues tend to stick together and do flying missions in squadron formations.

Chaffinches, which only really arrived in force a week or so ago, are all clubbing together at present (seven in the flock from the woods at present - gradually increased from 3 to 4 to 6 to 7) and frequently visit.
No chaffinch at the minute,just greenfinch and goldies at the minute,the odd gt bt or wt.
And the big stupid collar doves and starlings.
I actually rather like collared doves, and certainly not stupid - they're fiercely loyal birds, protecting their partners and kiddywinks from other collared doves and, especially, magpies. I wouldn't want to upset one - they're very tetchy things : I've had one raise its wing at me (classic 'back off' gesture) on more than one occasion.

Now woodpigeons. They are dumb. They are the clowns of the woodland bird world- they never fail to make me laugh - incredibly clumsy, and with the bendiest neck known to mankind....
I have no idea exactly how many coal tits are visiting as they so quickly come and go. The most I have seen at one time are 5.
As for the woodpigeon I always think of my dad whenever I hear one he always said that they were saying "My toe hurts Betty"
Our night roosting BT came in again tonight but the strange thing is that during the day it must have made a visit and put a few pieces of really long grass in. It was slightly hanging out the hole but has now pushed it to the bottom...the strange thing is that it actually sleeps on a ledge at the top of the nest box...must be in case it falls off during the night.
No chaffinch at the minute,just greenfinch and goldies at the minute,
I envy you your Gold finches they are so beautiful. I haven't seen any for some time but have just purchased nyjer seed in the hope they may visit. Maybe plenty of wild plant seeds about here at the moment so they don't need to visit the feeders yet.
I envy you your Gold finches they are so beautiful. I haven't seen any for some time but have just purchased nyjer seed in the hope they may visit. Maybe plenty of wild plant seeds about here at the moment so they don't need to visit the feeders yet.

I used Nyjer seed and they more or less ignored it, I use sunflower hearts in all of my feeders and every species loves it [especially the Goldies].

Can't understand why the bits of grass, might be a territory thing as earlier yesterday we saw BT fly to his box and a GT fly to the one further along that wall. Th bits of grass might have been to make it look scruffy to any others having a look in, It won't be breeding. Or the other thing is that it may be making a nesting cup at the bottom for comfort. Ian reckons it stays at the top as it is warmer [some heat of the camera as well]. The GT that used to night roost did vary his sleeping from top to bottom.
Too late for the advice.Husband had already bought the nyjer seed.So we have that and the sunflower hearts for them to choose from if/when they show up!
Long tailed tits have joined bird table today!

Saw one looking yesterday, so put out their usual favourite. I melt 250g lard and mix with 500g flour make into squares wrapped in cling film(it has to be lard as margerine/veg oil can affect the feathers reducing their wterproofing and insulating properties).Cool in fridge until solid then remove cling film and put them into the square wire bird food cages. Last year I had up to 16 visting at one time. They are so beautiful and I love the way that they fly.
Saw one looking yesterday,Last year I had up to 16 visting at one time. They are so beautiful and I love the way that they fly.

How about swopping some of my Goldies for your LTT's, have yet to get one in the garden,

We have had Blackcap, Siskin, Chiffchaff and GS Woodie in the garden, all which are a bit scarce around here.
We live in a cottage on its own beside a wood, I think that is why we get LTTs.Goldies are scarce up here, but we have had a couple visit every year, as to wether I'd like to swap-that is too hard a decision!!
When it is really winter we sometimes get a couple of siskin in with greenfinches but I have only seen Blackcaps in gardens 20 miles away=do they prefer town gardens? We also get GSwoodies later on in winter.
I wish that I could attract the squirrels though, we only have red ones up here and they are lovely but very shy.
More birds are joining the gangs at the feeder.
A female Blackbird has put in an appearance this week, a couple of chaffinch and the occasional greenfinch. Today a male Blackbird appeared and I saw a female GS woodie for the first time this autumn, I am so pleased to see that they are still in the area. Up to 8 LTT's are seen at least once a day, they don't stay long just a quick feed then away. Haven't managed to get a decent photo of them yet.
Marmot do you still have your night roosting BT?
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Would love to get long-taileds in my garden, but I can at least walk into town to see them (normally, though not always) at the reserve. Have seen loads just half a mile north of here across the river too, and on the far side of the village at my work, so there are plenty around. With a good ancient footpath lined with trees and oaks just down the road it's 'possible' that they might appear although at the moment I'm jazzed about getting regular visits from blue tits - a species I'd only seen once or twice here until recently.
Be patient, they may arrive - long-tailed tits finally arrived chez Clayts today, after being around the housing estate for the last couple of weeks. 7 or 8 of them, quick two minute pitstop, off they went...

I'm chuffed to now boast four flavours of tit now - blues and greats are the most prolific, I have a visiting pair of coal tits who raid and hoard, raid and hoard all day long, and now their long tailed 'cousins' (they're not technically the same species as other tits)
Yesterday was none stop for the first time since last winter,coal tits,blue tits,a robin a dunnock,loads of goldies and greenfinch and at one point about 50+ starlings,plus a few collar doves and a fleeting glimpse of what looked like a grey wagtail but i could be wrong.

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