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ZEISS DTI thermal imaging cameras. For more discoveries at night, and during the day.


  1. American oystercatcher full face picture

    American oystercatcher full face picture

  2. American Oystercatcher standing on... oysters!

    American Oystercatcher standing on... oysters!

    This is a life species for me today - yay! There were two of them, but the other would never come out of the shadows.
  3. Osprey Photobomb

    Osprey Photobomb

    I was taking a picture of one osprey when another one photobombed my shot.
  4. Pelican preening.jpg

    Pelican preening.jpg

    For whatever reason, when I'm in my kayak the birds aren't bothered. It gives me opportunities to see behavior.
  5. Mr Wiggles - yellow crowned night heron in Hudson, FL

    Mr Wiggles - yellow crowned night heron in Hudson, FL

    This bird got its name (it could be male or female) due to its wobbles when it feeds. Heron are usually stock still. Is it excitement over the food?
  6. Mr. Wiggles 2

    Mr. Wiggles 2

    This bird is a kick. It is getting habituated to me and allows me to get close.
  7. Mr. Wiggles 1

    Mr. Wiggles 1

    I call this yellow-crowned night heron Mr. Wiggles because it wobbles when it is hunting.
  8. Gator Camouflage

    Gator Camouflage

    Alligator in a local lake.
  9. Sunrise at Sunset Beach

    Sunrise at Sunset Beach

    Sunrise at Florida beach.
  10. Limpkin


  11. Horned Grebe

    Horned Grebe

  12. Eastern Phoebe

    Eastern Phoebe

  13. tricolored egret

    tricolored egret

  14. little blue heron

    little blue heron

  15. great blue heron

    great blue heron

  16. Black-crowned Night-Heron

    Black-crowned Night-Heron

  17. Black-Bellied Whistling-duck

    Black-Bellied Whistling-duck

  18. Anhinga-06042013.jpg


  19. Anhinga


  20. Boat-tailed Grackle: Do you, perchance, have some food, human?

    Boat-tailed Grackle: Do you, perchance, have some food, human?

  21. A

    Southern Florida

    I'm in Southern Florida at the moment, and I've seen several new species: Commom Gallinule, Purple Gallinule, Limpkin, Anhinga. But I took a boat tour into the Everglades. We saw some alligators, but not many. The visitors behind me were annoyed and asked things like, "Isn't there anything they...
  22. Red-shouldered-Hawk


  23. Northern Harrier

    Northern Harrier

    This is a big crop, image quality is not the best. I like the position of the wings. This species is always a challenge for me.
  24. Fandango739

    SW Florida, USA - ducks

    1) Confirm Fulvous Whistling-Duck, among Black-bellied? (New specie for me, if so.) 2 & 3) Same bird. 4) Confirm Redhead? 5 & 6) Maybe same bird. Many thanks for the kind help!
  25. Willet


    Willet with breakfast