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  1. Ruddy Turnstone

    Ruddy Turnstone

  2. Ruddy Turnstone with a splash

    Ruddy Turnstone with a splash

    I used to hike to waterfalls - a lot. So this one was fun to get a lifer bird with a frozen splash.
  3. Fandango739

    SW Florida (USA) - Terns, confirmation?

    Seen today at Bowditch Point, Fort Myers Beach. Migratory birds are showing up, despite sweltering conditions. 1) Forster's? Almost adult? 2) Both Commons? (Minus the Sandwich in the background.)
  4. Osprey with a History 7

    Osprey with a History 7

    This isn't the first time Bandit has done fish-catch flybys. Maybe I'm nuts, but I think she likes to show off to me. I'm happy to see her eating well after Hurricane Idilia. She looked a bit worse for wear last time I saw her (Osprey with a History 6). I'm moving from this place by the Gulf to...
  5. Osprey with a History 6

    Osprey with a History 6

    Bandit (whom I identify by the two dark spots in her left iris) is still here after Hurricane Idalia created a storm surge that put the area under four feet of water. I've been seeing/hearing two osprey but didn't get out in my kayak until today. Bandit called and when I didn't see her and went...
  6. Fandango739

    SW Florida USA - hawk-type

    Seen this morning at the Estero Bay Preserve. As a note, the area is still very soupy from the latest hurricane. Many thanks for any help!
  7. Does my butt look big? spoonbill

    Does my butt look big? spoonbill

    Roseate Spoonbill roost in a deliciously hidden spot that is a 5 mile round trip kayak trip.
  8. Bald with hairy eared old man Spoonbill

    Bald with hairy eared old man Spoonbill

    Roseate Spoonbill roost in a deliciously hidden spot that is a 5 mile round trip kayak trip.
  9. Roseate Spoonbill (conductor of the mangrove orchestra)

    Roseate Spoonbill (conductor of the mangrove orchestra)

    Roseate Spoonbill roost in a deliciously hidden spot that is a 5 mile round trip kayak trip.
  10. Concentration


    Snowy egret on the hunt
  11. Snowy egret - the sneak

    Snowy egret - the sneak

    Snowy egret placing its yellow foot just so.
  12. Shake your bootie

    Shake your bootie

    Breeding adult snowy egret preening.
  13. Osprey with a History 6

    Osprey with a History 6

    Bandit eating a nice fish lunch showing the eye nictitating membrane.
  14. Osprey with a History 5

    Osprey with a History 5

    Today she ate a fish on the lagoon's bridge. This is her wiping her face afterward.
  15. Osprey with a History 4

    Osprey with a History 4

    Some of you now know a bit about Bandit. For the last week we've been hanging out a good deal. This is one more picture from the first three I posted on here since I hadn't seen her for two years. What I believe is cool about this picture is it shows her trust in me. I was 10 feet away from her...
  16. Osprey with a History 3

    Osprey with a History 3

    See next osprey photo
  17. Osprey with a History 2

    Osprey with a History 2

    I've known Bandit for four years now. It is used to my whistles and voice. I used to live/kayak a few miles north - hadn't seen her for two years. She flew over yesterday, I called, she landed and preened and preened. It was magical. I know her by the two dots in the iris of her left eye. BTW -...
  18. Osprey with a History

    Osprey with a History

    I've known Bandit for four years now. It is used to my whistles and voice. I used to live/kayak a few miles north - hadn't seen her for two years. She flew over yesterday, I called, she landed and preened and preened. It was magical. I know her by the two dots in the iris of her left eye. BTW -...
  19. Eclipsing little blue heron reflecting on the changes

    Eclipsing little blue heron reflecting on the changes

    Ah, puberty... it can even be scary for birds! This immature (eclipsing) heron greets me on the beach of the Lagoon often. It is immediately unintimidated when I sit down in my kayak.
  20. Little Blue detail

    Little Blue detail

    This one is more about the claw and the beak of a little blue who let me closely watch its preening.
  21. Juvenile Little Blue with feather definition

    Juvenile Little Blue with feather definition

    So often very white or very black birds look like blobs of color. I liked this one because I got some contrast.
  22. Fandango739

    SW Florida - peeps, Least Sandpiper?

    Seen this morning at Lakes Park (somewhat away from the coast). Both Least and Western are supposed to be out of season here during the summer...and it is very summer right now. This group of eight were hanging out with a killdeer, at least a third larger than they were. Thanks!
  23. reddish egret.jpg

    reddish egret.jpg

    This Reddish Egret gave me lots of angles... I stopped shooting after it gave me this pose. Photo is not cropped.
  24. Little Blue Heron takes a Bow

    Little Blue Heron takes a Bow

    I loved that it showed me its flight feathers.
  25. little blue eclipse

    little blue eclipse

    I've watch this guy for 9 months now. It is not at all intimidated by me until I get out of my kayak! It's got to be uncomfortable to change colors. It just preened and preened. I got so many in focus shots - It's hard to pick two.