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  1. Gray-headed Chachalaca

    Gray-headed Chachalaca

    Gray-headed Chachalaca (Ortalis cinereiceps)
  2. Malachite


    Malachite (Siproeta stelenes: Nymphalidae) Wingspan 8.5-10.0 cm (3.3-3.9 in).
  3. Red-throated Ant Tanager (male)

    Red-throated Ant Tanager (male)

    Red-throated Ant Tanager (Habia fuscicauda) Male, species sexually dimorphic. Metropolitan Park, Panama City, Panama Province, Panama. Tropical lowland rainforest (mixed evergreen and deciduous forest) at 29 m (95 ft) elevation.
  4. Centipede


    Centipede. This centipede was ca. 6.4 cm long (2.5 in) long Photographed at night at our lodge in El Valle de Antn, Cocl Province, Panama. Ro Guayabo riparian surrounded by secondary humid forest at ca. 622 m (2,042 ft) elevation.
  5. Rosy Thrush-tanager

    Rosy Thrush-tanager

    Rosy Thrush-tanager (Rhodinocichla rosea eximia) Five subspecies are recognized with only subspecies eximia mapped for Panama. Species sexually dimorphic. Photographed in El Valle de Antn, Cocl, Province, Panama. Riparian of Ro Guayabo, secondary humid forest at ca. 622 m (2,042 ft) elevation.
  6. Bay Wren

    Bay Wren

    Bay Wren (Thryothorus nigricapillus castaneus) Seven subspecies are recognized with five of them being mapped for Panama. Subspecies castaneus is mapped from the Province of Veraguas to the Canal Zone. Photographed in El Valle de Antn, Cocl Province, Panama. Ro Guayabo riparian, secondary...
  7. Gray-headed Kite

    Gray-headed Kite

    Gray-headed Kite (Leptodon cayanensis cayanensis) Two subspecies are recognized with only the nominate being mapped for Panama. Photographed around La Mesa, north of El Valle de Antn, Cocl Province, Panama. Secondary humid forest at ca. 823 m (2,700 ft) elevation.
  8. Barred Puffbird

    Barred Puffbird

    Barred Puffbird (Nystalus radiatus) Along Ro Indio Road near Jordinal, north of El Valle de Antn, Cocl Province, Panama. Secondary rain forest at ca. 622 m (2,042 ft) elevation, Caribbean-slope.
  9. Brown-throated Parakeets

    Brown-throated Parakeets

    Brown-throated Parakeet (Aratinga pertinax ocularis) Fourteen subspecies are recognized with only subspecies ocularis being mapped for Panama. Foraging on gucimo (Guazuma ulmifolia: Sterculiaceae) fruits. Photographed in semi-open ranch land grazed by cattle with secondary growth along a one...
  10. Common Pauraque

    Common Pauraque

    Common Pauraque (Nyctidromus albicollis gilvus) Seven subspecies have been described with all seven currently being recognized. Two are mapped for Panama, subspecies gilvus is mapped from Central Panama eastward while subspecies intercedens is mapped for western Panama. Photographed in the Los...
  11. Red-crowned Ant Tanager (female)

    Red-crowned Ant Tanager (female)

    Red-crowned Ant Tanager (Habia rubica vinacea) Seventeen subspecies have been described and all are currently recognized with only subspecies vinacea being mapped for Panama. Species sexually dimorphic. Photographed in El Valle de Antn, Cocl Province, Panama. Riparian of Ro Guayabo. Secondary...
  12. Tortoise Shell Beetle

    Tortoise Shell Beetle

    Tortoise Shell Beetle (Family: Chrysomelidae) I estimate this beetle to be ca. 1 cm long (0.39 in) and a little less in width. Photographed at Ro Macho de Monte east of Cuesta de Piedra, Chiriqui Province, Panama. Southern foothills of Volcn Baru at ca. 800 m (2,625 ft) elevation. Disturbed...
  13. Black-hooded Antshrike

    Black-hooded Antshrike

    Black-hooded Antshrike (Thamnophilus bridgesi) Photographed along Ro Guanbana south of Puerto Armuelies on the Burica Peninsula, Chiriqui Province, Panama. Riparian tropical rainforest at ca. 2 m (6.6 ft) elevation.
  14. Yellow-crowned Tyrannulet

    Yellow-crowned Tyrannulet

    Yellow-crowned Tyrannulet (Tyrannulus elatus) Photographed along the margins of the Chagras River just east of the Panama Canal and south of Gamboa in Coln Province, Panama. Riverine at ca. 30 m (100 ft) elevation. Sexes similar.
  15. Ornate Slider

    Ornate Slider

    Ornate Slider also known as the Mesoamerian Slider (Trachemys scripta ornata: Emydidae) Photographed in an inlet of the Chagras River just east of the Panama Canal and south of Gamboa in Coln Province, Panama. River inlet at ca. 30 m (100 ft) elevation.
  16. Blue-chested Hummingbird

    Blue-chested Hummingbird

    Blue-chested Hummingbird (Amazilia amabilis) Photographed at Canopy Tower, Panama Province, Panama. Humid forest at ca. 228 m (750 ft) elevation. Species sexually dimorphic. I am unsure of the sex.
  17. Rufous Motmot

    Rufous Motmot

    Rufous Motmot (Baryphtengus martii) This large Motmot was common on the grounds at Canopy Lodge in El Valle de Antn, Cocl Province, Panama. Bridge over......Rio Guayabo, riparian surrounded by secondary humid forest at ca. 622 m (2,042 ft) elevation. Sexes similar.
  18. Flame-rumped Tanager (female)

    Flame-rumped Tanager (female)

    Flame-rumped Tanager with this subspecies being called the Lemon-rumped Tanager (Ramphocelus flammigerus icteronotus) This is a distinct taxon and whether one opts to treat it at the species level (R. icteronotus) or at the subspecies level under the Flame-rumped Tanager (R. flammigerus...
  19. Tropical Kingbird

    Tropical Kingbird

    Tropical Kingbird (Tyrannus melancholicus satrapa) Three subspecies are currently recognized with only subspecies satrapa being mapped for Panama. An additional three subspecies have been described with all three of these subspecies being synonymized under subspecies satrapa. One of these...
  20. Southern Lapwing

    Southern Lapwing

    Southern Lapwing also known as the Chilean Lapwing. This subspecies is sometimes referred to as the Northern Lapwing (Vanellus chilensis cayennensis) Four subspecies are recognized but only subspecies cayennensis is mapped for Panama. Photographed on the northern banks of the Chagras River...
  21. Wattled Jacana

    Wattled Jacana

    Wattled Jacana (Jacana jacana hypomelaena) Six subspecies are recognized with subspecies hypomelaena being the only one mapped for Panama. Photographed foraging in Giant Salvinia or Kariba-weed (Salvinia molesta: Salviniaceae) at Ammo Dump Ponds, Coln Province, Panama. This aquatic fern is...
  22. Flame-rumped Tanager (male)

    Flame-rumped Tanager (male)

    Flame-rumped Tanager with this subspecies being called the Lemon-rumped Tanager (Ramphocelus flammigerus icteronotus) This is a distinct taxon and whether one opts to treat it at the species level or at the subspecies level under the Flame-rumped Tanager (R. flammigerus icteronotus) is...
  23. Bananaquit


    Bananaquit (Coereba flaveola mexicana). An astonishing 41 subspecies are recognized broken into two groups. These subspecies vary in song and plumage. There is the Caribbean Group, represented by 16 subspecies and the Inland Group which is represented by 25. Fortunately, the only subspecies...
  24. Pale-vented Pigeon

    Pale-vented Pigeon

    Pale-vented Pigeon (Patagioenas cayennensis pallidicrissa) Eight subspecies have been described, two have been synonymized leaving six recognized subspecies by most authors with the exclusion of Clements (2007) which only recognizes five subspecies. Only subspecies pallidicrissa is mapped for...
  25. Emerald Toucanet

    Emerald Toucanet

    Emerald Toucanet. This subspecies is also known as the Blue-throated Toucanet (Aulacorhynchus prasinus caeruleogularis) Seventeen subspecies have been described with three being placed in synonym leaving fourteen subspecies recognized of this beautiful Toucanet. Two are found in Panama. The...