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Could someone Identify this bird please? UK (1 Viewer)

Hello everyone. My first post to the forum, so apologies if I've posted in the wrong place.

This bird has been hanging around my work place for the past few weeks. We have large bins outside the premises which this bird comes to get the scraps of meat from.

I live in South Wales, UK if that makes a difference as to what type of bird this is.

It is quite large. Haven't heard it squawk (or whatever it's called). I think it is an older bird as it's feathers aren't as neat as some other birds I've seen. This is the closest it's come to me this morning as I was sharing my bread roll with it. Threw a piece close to me but it was still a bit nervous. I tried making different noises and it was turning it's head as if it was listening to me.

Is it a blackbird, crow, or raven?

PS: as you can tell, I know nothing about birds but I'm finding this one quite interesting. Thank you :)


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Hi SantaDomingo and a warm welcome to you from all the Staff and Moderators.

That's a Carrion Crow. They can be very naughty and very entertaining at the same time LOL. They are very intelligent.

I'm sure you will enjoy it here and I look forward to hearing your news.
Hi SantaDomingo and a warm welcome to you from all the Staff and Moderators.

That's a Carrion Crow. They can be very naughty and very entertaining at the same time LOL. They are very intelligent.

I'm sure you will enjoy it here and I look forward to hearing your news.
Hi Delia. Thank you :)

I've not heard of a Carrion Crow before, but then again, this is why I am here lol.

He/She every so often kept tapping their beak on the wooden fence. Did this a few times before flying further away from me as I got too close.

I'm sure I heard that with some birds, if you feed them, they will return or look for you in the same place for more food? Do they associate people who offer them food as friendly? Is it possible if I keep feeding it, it will become more friendly/comfortable being around me?
Hi Delia. Thank you :)

I've not heard of a Carrion Crow before, but then again, this is why I am here lol.

He/She every so often kept tapping their beak on the wooden fence. Did this a few times before flying further away from me as I got too close.

I'm sure I heard that with some birds, if you feed them, they will return or look for you in the same place for more food? Do they associate people who offer them food as friendly? Is it possible if I keep feeding it, it will become more friendly/comfortable being around me?
Carrion crow is the full name of the standard crow that we get in southern half of the UK, in the northern half we get a crow cold the hooded crow which has a similar appearance but is a mixture of grey and black.
Carrion crow is the full name of the standard crow that we get in southern half of the UK, in the northern half we get a crow cold the hooded crow which has a similar appearance but is a mixture of grey and black.
I always thought the smaller black birds I've seen were crows, obviously I was wrong lol. After browsing a bit on this forum, I didn't realise how many birds there are here in the UK!
So, the crow is still hanging around the outside break area at my workplace! I tried making some noises, clicking with my mouth or whatever, similar like we we do with cats and dogs. The crow started making a weird noise, it's hard to describe, it sounded similar to a pigeon. I'm not sure if it was responding to the noises I was making or..?
So, the crow is still hanging around the outside break area at my workplace! I tried making some noises, clicking with my mouth or whatever, similar like we we do with cats and dogs. The crow started making a weird noise, it's hard to describe, it sounded similar to a pigeon. I'm not sure if it was responding to the noises I was making or..?
Crows can mimic- in fact they are a fantastic at it. We had a crow at our local park which would sit on wooden fence next to us waiting for us to give it scraps.
A bird which could be confused with Carrion Crow is an immature Rook. Adult Rooks have a bare patch round the bill but Juveniles have no such patch. But, as stated, your bird is indeed Carrion Crow.
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