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Eilat..... (1 Viewer)

The Levants Sparrowhawks have arrived in force today; personal tallies of 3000 in the mountains, 1000 in off the Red Sea at North Beach at Dusk plus scattered hundreds in the southern Arava. Honeys starting to build and lots of Steppe Buzzards around with many thousands over the IBRCE early afternoon. Only spent a short while looking for migrants as it was all about raptors and waders but birds did seem thin on the ground currently, it's going to go bang when the migrants arrive.


  • Levant Sparrowhawk Eilat Mountains April 2023 BLOG 8W6A6257.jpg
    Levant Sparrowhawk Eilat Mountains April 2023 BLOG 8W6A6257.jpg
    424.1 KB · Views: 18
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