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Falcon migration South Africa to Finland (2 Viewers)


Well-known member
United States
A female falcon was equipped with a satellite tracking system in South Africa before migrating to Finlad. Image shows tracker data. In just 42 days, she flew over 10,000 km, at an incredible average of 230km/day and nearly in a straight line.

h/t Laura Aboli

Done some checking, appears this is an old story that has variously been reported as different species - seems it should be about a Honey Buzzard in 2020, not a falcon at all.
It was a honey buzzard, tracking data is here.

Only one of the tracked birds went to South Africa.

Its track is here
It was a honey buzzard, tracking data is here.

Only one of the tracked birds went to South Africa.

Its track is here
thanks so much for you effort. While I generally try to verify things before I repost/spread, I had little idea how to go about it here. You have done excellent work for which I have much respect.
Calidus peregrines do migrate from Fennoscandia/northern Russia to South Africa - there's a useful article from 1997 with very good pics available on the net.
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