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Garden / Yard List 2024 (3 Viewers)

By putting in some time for one of the obvious misses, I picked up a bonus which is surprisingly occasional from the garden - despite being guaranteed a few hundred metres away....

36 - Moorhen
37 - Shelduck

With three different Med Gulls on my walks from home this week, I'll have a look at a few overflying Black-headed Gulls later...

All the best

Continuing the early spring ...glorious sunshine all day to welcome back the Cranes, one appeared in the morning, happily trumpeting away behind my house. Two more late afternoon - another early returnee record (previous best was 20 February in 2019). Again shattering records, four Stock Doves were totally unexpected - though this bird is chiefly an early spring bird on my land, never have I seen it before 10 March before. Many Skylarks today, a couple of White-tailed Eagles, Great Grey Shrike again and a peasant mix of others.

36. Crane
37. Stock Dove
Continuing the early spring ...glorious sunshine all day to welcome back the Cranes, one appeared in the morning, happily trumpeting away behind my house. Two more late afternoon - another early returnee record (previous best was 20 February in 2019). Again shattering records, four Stock Doves were totally unexpected - though this bird is chiefly an early spring bird on my land, never have I seen it before 10 March before. Many Skylarks today, a couple of White-tailed Eagles, Great Grey Shrike again and a peasant mix of others.

36. Crane
37. Stock Dove

If I make a big effort, then I might get Crane myself.

Then if I put in the effort on the research, I could probably find out their names... :)

All the best

At last! After three weeks without a yeartick, #55 Linnet flew over as I got out of the car this afternoon. Only the second February record. Much more likely in the second half of the year.

I’ve never known such a lean period. A definite feel of spring in the air today, in fact in the last week I’ve had Peacock and Brimstone in the garden, singing, and prospecting, Marsh Tit across the road, Great Spotted Woodpecker disappearing into a hole in the back garden and singing Grey Wagtail under the decking.

The best thing today though, was bumping into a local birder, there doesn’t seem to be many of those around. He does the local WEBS count which borders my garden, a mutually good contact to have. I hope we can swap some good gen in the future.
Do you have an observation tower Pete?
Not a tower,as such. Jan Crowther had some custom made metal steps built on to back of garage about 20 years ago,so I've got a panoramic view to the north,I can see parts of Kilnsea Wetlands,Long Bank Marsh,Easington Straight,Sammy's Point,a bit of sea(distantly), the Humber(distantly). I can't see much to the south,Westmere Farm blocks most of it, so anything called out going south usually escapes me.
I think I've probably got the best position in the village, but I'll probably never catch up with the top Kilnsea garden listers. If only I hadn't given them 10 years start.
First House Sparrow actually in the garden this year (only sightings so far had been telescope jobs) this afternoon:) Earlier, the year’s first

49 Red Kite

flew up the valley, only to redescend 10 minutes later and head towards the pass to our south. So hard to say whether it’s migrating or one of our local pair, watch this space!
It seems (bit like snakes and ladders) I’ve overcounted by one, which sends me back to Heinz!😩
Apart from that, much of a muchness, mostly blanket grey with the odd burst of short lived sunshine.
All the usual suspects to include my 6th Red Kite of the year and the Blckps.(pair) much in evidence on occasion…it can only improve.🙏


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Second earliest return of Starlings today, eight in a flock mid-afternoon, plus first Rooks and Jackdaws. Several Crane during the day, quite plentiful Skylarks, a few Common Bizzards over, one White-tailed Eagle...quite unlike a typical mid-February day. Feral Pigeons graced late in the day, another addition for the year.

38. Feral Pigeon
39. Rook
40. Jackdaw
41. Starling
50 up! Scanning towards the small stretch of river visible from here produced the goods just now
- no, not Dipper or Goosander, but a handsome silver grey

50 Goshawk

flopping above the trees. A couple of Carrion Crow chased it briefly off their territory but they didn’t alarm in the way they do when a female Gos shows up. Mid-March to mid-May is the best period for Goshawk, especially males, though I’ve seen them in every month of the year now.
A nice fall of snow yesterday evening but it’s the sloppy ‘Spring snow’ so thawing rapidly. It brought in some hungry visitors this morning, c60 Goldfinch, 40 plus Yellowhammer and c20 Brambling. A flock of 16 Starling feeding nearby with c25 Fieldfare so things are moving around a bit.
Crumbled fat balls on the balcony in case the Alpine Accentor I found just 750m up the road decides to wander this way…….🤞
Remaining mild, the usual February depths of winter still producing early spring rewards - first two Mistle Thrushes today, both in song, and first flock of northbound White-fronted Geese ...my first February records of both species.

Floodgates should open in a couple of weeks, but meanwhile ticking along nicely, the tally edging up ...

42. White fronted Goose
43. Mistle Thrush
Up early for the first time in ages yesterday, and it paid off. #56 Treecreeper in a Tit flock, I thought I could hear one, but couldn’t see it, fortunately the Merlin App agreed. Later in the afternoon it had a little burst of song.

A Red Kite at 07:45 was a surprise, I think it/they must be hanging out locally, as it’s the 2nd bird this month.

This morning a #57 Tawny Owl (male) was calling at 06:00. I was going to go out early, but decided that one yeartick was sufficient for the day, so rolled over and went back to sleep.

This afternoon a/the Red Kite seen again. Certainly feels Spring-like after a chilly start.
A misty start to the day, but it soon brightened up. Just as the sun burst through a #58 Cetti’s Warbler spluttered into song, and again later with a bit more gusto. My first February record.

Checked the flooded area across the road, which has been very flooded and very (fairly) birdless this winter. Spotted a #59 Kestrel sat near its nesting tree, so scooted back around to the patch to see if I could see it. It stayed and I could.

A decent flock of Siskins feeding on tree buds remained uncountable, but certainly in double figures. I’m hoping they will attract something more exciting. (I thought I heard a single Brambling call, but Merlin App thought it could hear House Sparrow, but sadly I fear we were both wrong)

Some Violets were my first for the year.


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