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Good bird watching camera to film 4K videos with zoom (1 Viewer)

Hello everyone. I am new to the Bird Forum and would like to learn more about cameras for bird watching. I am interested in a good camera that films 4K videos with a good zoom feature, since some of the birds I see are 200-400 yards away. I usually film with my GoPro camera or cellphone camera, so this will be my first camera specially for filming birds and other wildlife. I would appreciate any help you guys can offer me about beginner cameras that film in 4K with a good zoom to film birds.
A lot of newer m43 cameras are able to shoot in 4k as far as I know. If you want something a little less complicated, I would look at the panasonic bridge camera lineup. Disclaimer: i do not shoot in 4k and therefore am only trying to remember what I read.
Thank you responding njlarsen. Which m43 cameras would you recommend? I did some research on Panasonic bridge cameras, which one do you recommend? Would like a camera that can take some nice pictures and video of birds 200-400 yards away.
Good question with multiple answers.
Decent Overall Choice: Nikon P1000-This is called a "Bridge Camera". It is digital with the most amazing zoom features of any camera, 3000mm. you will need a tripod for that length. It has certain features similar to a DSLR but has a permanent fixed lens. About $750-$850 brand new.

Best Photo Quality no matter the cost: Sony A7R Series/A9 Series/A1 Series (Full Framed Mirrorless), Canon R Series R3/R5/R6 (Full Frame Mirrorless), Nikon (I Don't remember the models). Older DSLR Full Framed Systems. This will give you the best photo quality and maybe even video quality with the right lens. Cost depends on body and lens you choose. Most expensive option.

Best Point and Shoot Compact: Your guess is as good as mine. I had an older Fujinon with great zoom before. You're still gonna want a tripod.

The Action type cameras like GoPros and Sony Action Cams normally have very very wide angles. They would be good for recording at a feeder maybe but you would need a movement trigger of some sort. There are plenty of game cameras that can do this also. They really won't be able to zoom where you want from my understanding but I haven't bought one in many many years.

My choice? Sony A7RIV or A7RV with 200-600mm Sony Lens. Total: Approx $7500 (Ouch! Right?)

I hope this helps you.
Thank you Mixedpuppy for your camera recommendations. The Nikon P1000 looks good, but I would prefer investing in a camera that cost less for my first official birding camera. Most of the birds and wildlife I film are usually less than 100 feet away, but I would like a camera that can film good 4K videos of birds 200-400 yards if needed. The camera does not have to be the best, but something that will film videos good enough to identify birds (show good detail of bird's eye, beak, along with feathers).
Please be aware that you will be contending with air movement at those distances. The warmer it is around you and the more water there is around you, the harder it gets to get a reasonable shot, much less to get a good video that stays consistently sharp.

You asked about m43 cameras. I think you will find it extremely hard to get a setup with a sufficient reach and still be cheaper than the p1000. What you need to include in your thinking is to purchase second hand and with your price range, probably nothing but bridge cameras will be available.

Thank you njlarsen for your advice, I will consider the Nikon P1000, along with other cameras. Most of the birds and wildlife I see are less than 100 feet away, but it would be nice to have a good camera to film birds and other wildlife videos from 200-400 yards away.
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