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Greater Spotted Eagle? Pang Sida NP, Thailand, 7.1.2024 (1 Viewer)


Well-known member
Hi all,

I have attached some poor quality photos of what I believe is a Greater Spotted Eagle taken in Pang Side NP in Central Thailand.

Whilst I understand that GSE is uncommon in this area, I believe it is more likely than the alternatives (Black, Steppe or Eastern Imperial).

In the field my impression was of a large Eagle with long, broad wings and relatively short tail, uniformly dark brown underneath but for a white crescent at the base of the primaries, which I believe is diagnostic (and which can just about be made out on these photos).

This would be a first for me, so if it is possible to confirm from these photos then I would be very grateful!


  • IMG_1658.JPG
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  • IMG_1660.JPG
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  • GSE(1).JPG
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Black eagle: wide hand, narrowed wing-base, pale feet.
Yes agreed, just wanted to say that the 'white crescent at base of the primaries' is also good for the black eagle (perhaps more so due to the contrast with the birds darker colouration). Also it doesn't appear short tailed to me.
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