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Grebe identification help (1 Viewer)


Well-known member
Wondered if can help with the ID of the following please - I do excuse quality of photo best I could do with my camera/lens setup

Seen yesterday at high tide on The Crouch (Essex)

My initial thought was Red Necked Grebe but as they are relatively rare this part of the country (only a few sightings a year) I was looking for further advice please

Other person I was with afterwards said fairly certain it had a yellow bill with darker tip but I didn’t look myself at the bill in detail at the time

Thanks for any advice - much appreciated


  • E55475D3-F894-4E76-B220-7FEFC5EB4628.jpeg
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Thank you very much for the replies

I was walking along sea wall between burnham and althorne

Going to see if can get any better photos today as that was the only photo of any worth

Thanks again and much appreciated
Might be photo artifact, but it looks like a narrow white chin-strap extending up the side of the neck, and arguably the bill looks yellow. Leaning Red-necked.
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