Help sought please, are these sanderlings or little stints or something else? Photos taken at mouth of the Muscat River, about 100 meters from the ocean on March 23, 2024. The river is almost non-existent at this time.
I am leaning towards little stints due to I think the thin and not thick bill, what I think is a pointed bill tip, and no dusting of white along the feather edges. Unfortunately, the angle of the birds heads and bill are not particularly helpful, nor is the somewhat foggy photos
Also, they were not running around like I usually see sanderlings do.
All comments, corrections and suggestions gratefully appreciated.
thank you in advance
I am leaning towards little stints due to I think the thin and not thick bill, what I think is a pointed bill tip, and no dusting of white along the feather edges. Unfortunately, the angle of the birds heads and bill are not particularly helpful, nor is the somewhat foggy photos
Also, they were not running around like I usually see sanderlings do.
All comments, corrections and suggestions gratefully appreciated.
thank you in advance