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Where premium quality meets exceptional value. ZEISS Conquest HDX.

Have you compared the best Kowa (Genesis Prominar XD) side by side against the best Nikon (Monarch HG)? (1 Viewer)

How many of those did you have to go through to get a good, or how should I say it, (a usable sample). I gave up after three.
It's useable, fairly pleasant, the fov delivers. I wish they'd have put a bit more effort into the design/build and the quality control, it goes in the glove box or under the seat 😄
I have had all those binoculars and compared them. The only advantage your Kowa has over the MHG and the alphas is CA. The Kowa Prominar Genesis are one of the best binoculars for controlling CA outside of the Zeiss FL. So if you hate CA, the Kowa is a good choice.

The two binoculars next to it in the picture absolutely blow it away, so does the lesser priced Vipers (not in this picture).
Hi guys!
Good to read comments from people with so much experience on top-level glass.
I want to ask your opinion on my newly achieved Vortex Razor HD 10x42, if you had the chance comparing them.
I've just got it for a really good price, I was waiting more than one year for this purchase, and they are good, but I'm not sure about keeping it, still have two weeks to send it back.
CA control and wide FOV is the most important for me.
My Razor has good CA, not visible in the middle 50%, but it bothers me on the edges. Maybe there was different lighting, but a year ago, when I tried them personally, I was experiencing much less CA near the same shop I visited yesterday. Or maybe time beautifies memories? I can not think about so much difference between lucky and unlucky pieces, both were MiC.
Do you think I should send back and replace them with any other bino?
My budget is 1.2K, and maybe I can get an used UHD, but in the reviews (allbinos for example), they are not superior to the HDs in the above specs.
I have owned a 10x42 MHG, sent it back because too much CA, ordered a Hawke Frontier APO, it had very good IQ, very wide FOV and non-existent CA, not even in the most difficult conditions, but it was dark, even the Viper HDs had a much brighter image, and ergonomics were also tragically bad.
So all in all, can you think about a better option in the 1-1.2K price range, or I should keep my Razors?
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Hi guys!
Good to read comments from people with so much experience on top-level glass.
I want to ask your opinion on my newly achieved Vortex Razor HD 10x42, if you had the chance comparing them.
I've just got it for a really good price, I was waiting more than one year for this purchase, and they are good, but I'm not sure about keeping it, still have two weeks to send it back.
CA control and wide FOV is the most important for me.
The Razor HD is good glass as are all Binoculars in this $1000 range. In my opinion probably the sweet spot for overall optical and build quality. The Razor does have a very large FOV, very close to the Zeiss SF’s, which was very surprising to me. I’m not saying they’re in the same class, just comparing FOV. In this price range they’re all about the same give or take in one area or the other. CA control is probably best in the Kowa Genesis line, and worst in the Leica Trinovid HD. And it’s the same back and forth in other optical areas with all of them. It all depends on which areas are most important to you.
My Razor has good CA, not visible in the middle 50%, but it bothers me on the edges. Maybe there was different lighting, but a year ago, when I tried them personally, I was experiencing much less CA near the same shop I visited yesterday. Or maybe time beautifies memories? I can not think about so much difference between lucky and unlucky pieces, both were MiC.
Of course it depends on lighting as to your expertise with CA, but these Razors fall right in between all the other $1000 binos, like I opined some a little better some not as good. I’ve noticed a lot of variation in the Viper and Razor lines with vortex.
Do you think I should send back and replace them with any other bino?
My budget is 1.2K, and maybe I can get an used UHD, but in the reviews (allbinos for example), they are not superior to the HDs in the above specs.
I traveled the same path as you with Allbinos, and although I enjoy the read and get some good info there , my personal experience there have been completely different with many binoculars, the Razor HD and UHD being one example. I literally didn’t buy them for over a year because of that review. Their conclusion was that there wasn’t much difference in many areas. For example light transmission numbers were almost the same for the two, yet the UHD is one of the brightest 42’s I’ve ever tried. The CA control is clearly superior and overall the UHD is on a completely different level. The difference in the HD and the UHD is like the difference between a Zeiss conquest and the SF.
I have owned a 10x42 MHG, sent it back because too much CA, ordered a Hawke Frontier APO, it had very good IQ, very wide FOV and non-existent CA, not even in the most difficult conditions, but it was dark, even the Viper HDs had a much brighter image, and ergonomics were also tragically bad.
With the MHG the 8x and 10x in the area of CA it’s quite different , it appears to be a little bit more than other brands with similar magnification configurations. The Viper and Razors are bright binoculars and tend to be brighter generally than the Nikons Imo.
So all in all, can you think about a better option in the 1-1.2K price range, or I should keep my Razors?
If CA is one of your major concerns then the Kowa is the way to go. But generally speaking other than CA they’re all about the same in this price range. I think B&H right now is having a sale on the UHD, and would be pretty close to that 1.2k. These are true premium (alphas).

Pictures show both $500 level old and new Viper HD’s, $1000 level Razor and $2000 level Nikon EDG and UHD. It seems you pay for what you get.


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