You, and probably many other people. But the fact is that those people looking for the woodpecker could not, and the show was "aired" like that, which was actually surprising to me. There's no way to know if M Collins himself was aware of this or not (unless you're MC) but it didn't look good to me at all.
Out of interest, apologies for being out of the loop here, but IBWO has not been on my radar for 6 or 7 years now - So, I am interested to know, has there been some recent developments (of any nature) that brings you to activate a ‘proof of existence’ argument (actually re-activate it) with members of BF now? Are you of the hope of convincing the few that are still listening that the ‘evidence’ collected is irrefutable? Surely, long ago that was proven to be a lost cause on BF?
What I have seen so far, are the same arguments on both sides, some intelligent and some playing to the gallery for kicks. But I’ve not seen anything new under the Sun here sadly, despite badly wanting to.
Out of interest, apologies for being out of the loop here, but IBWO has not been on my radar for 6 or 7 years now - So, I am interested to know, has there been some recent developments (of any nature) that brings you to activate a ‘proof of existence’ argument (actually re-activate it) with members of BF now? Are you of the hope of convincing the few that are still listening that the ‘evidence’ collected is irrefutable? Surely, long ago that was proven to be a lost cause on BF?
What I have seen so far, are the same arguments on both sides, some intelligent and some playing to the gallery for kicks. But I’ve not seen anything new under the Sun here sadly, despite badly wanting to.
There have been developments and discoveries since the two papers came out, the initial Arkansas paper and the Auburn Windsor University paper on Florida.
There are also some bad developments such as diminished interest and the recent scheduling of meetings to declare the species officially extinct. This obviously had some political overtones so the veracity of future efforts to delist might be lessened.
I'm not comfortable in going into some of the good developments in a public forum. You see how demanding and cynical people are.
Some but not all of the good developments are only based on increased knowledge and realization of mistakes. For example almost all of Usfws/Cornell's formal searching with public funds was done incorrectly. The advanced and very structured survey methods were so intrusive that they scared Ivory bills away rather than attracting them or stimulating them to respond in some detectable manner. I and others have the opinion almost all their data on hundreds of thousands of acres produced false negatives. Regardless they did have some positive auditory detections.
In addition people like ******* and ******* on the ivory build woodpecker recovery plan committee purposely sabotaged the effectiveness of the surveys by insisting that unnecessary and quite tangential data sets be gathered by the field teams. This bird is hard enough to find without having to gather superfluous data sets. Any distraction just lessens the possibility of a detection.
There should have been a layered approach towards the surveys updated instantaneously according to exact field conditions. In other words after an ivory build was detected then and only then would you gather habitat data and all birds heard in the area.
Teams that developed their own survey methods had better detection rates than the official teams.
As far as discovering new things about the old literature certainly the restored film of the imperial woodpecker pretty much clinches that the US fish and wildlife, Cornell and many others were correct in concluding that at least one bird persisted in Arkansas
Regardless of the level of favorable developments they must be tempered with the fact that the few groups of scientists I know who were employing very good detection methods only found evidence of several birds. They only covered a fraction of the total acreage in the southeast but they surveyed some of the best acreage. So there's still some hope but you must realize the remaining unsurveyed acres are not very supportive of successful breeding.
On the management side someone has finally figured out why the ivory bill is not reproducing. Whether this is a good or bad development depends on so many variables, future actions or inactions and impediments that predicting the future is impossible.