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June Moths (8 Viewers)

The temperature seemed likely to drop across the night but I thought early at least I'd catch something so trapped again last night.

I was rewarded with a pretty micro tick, Phtheochroa rugosana (bloody Greeks, how the hell are you supposed to pronounce that, a raspberry?) and NFY Flame and Light Emerald. Three Heart and Dart formed the only multiple but Dark Arches and another zonking great Poplar Hawk-moth added interest.


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Not a bad night (for me) last night with more escaping ID than being nailed, often coming in flurries of two’s and three’s with the gusting wind then disappearing into the leafage.
Circa a dozen + of 16.
Highlights were (NFY) Coronet, Yellow-barred Brindle, Marbled-White Spot, Maiden’s Blush and a presumed Garden Carpet + a noctuid sp.


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Not a bad night (for me) last night with more escaping ID than being nailed, often coming in flurries of two’s and three’s with the gusting wind then disappearing into the leafage.
Circa a dozen + of 16.
Highlights were (NFY) Coronet, Yellow-barred Brindle, Marbled-White Spot, Maiden’s Blush and a presumed Garden Carpet + a noctuid sp.
I think that is a — Blue-bordered Carpet , Plemyria rubiginata . Never seen one in the flesh .

Passed 300 for the year last night. Cheap Amazon blacklights are bringing in some good stuff. Adding another sheet to side of house today, and will probably pick up an entolight heading into summer. Almost ignored a lifer Tawny Virbia Moth as it looked like a lacewing on house in the middle of the day.
Rose Hooktip

I thought this Spotted Apatelodes was a lifer, but I do have one other record.

Same for this Common Lytrosis Moth

Managed to capture the timing right on this flapping Virginia Ctenucha Moth as it keeps its wings folded back when still.

Lifer and rare for my area White-blotched Monopis Moth
Okay night for me - multiple Heart & Darts, Hebrew Characters, Willow Beauties and Lime Speck Pugs. A Common Pug, an Oligia agg, Common Carpet, Treble Lines, Little Grey, Marble, a couple of Satin Wave and nfy Small Magpie, Treble Bar and Delicate.


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Okay night for me - multiple Heart & Darts, Hebrew Characters, Willow Beauties and Lime Speck Pugs. A Common Pug, an Oligia agg, Common Carpet, Treble Lines, Little Grey, Marble, a couple of Satin Wave and nfy Small Magpie, Treble Bar and Delicate.
What is that last one, grey with the black lines. That looks awesome.
Simultaneously excellent and frustrating sighting in the front garden this morning when a brief look out of the front door while my camera was uploading the last two days' Northumberland take revealed a Broad-bordered Bee Hawk-moth nectaring at the Red Valerian. Realising the R7 was unavailable I grabbed my night rigged 7Dii only to find as I lined it up that the battery was dead. Needless to say by the time I changed it the moth had departed. Hopefully the weather will pick up again (early sunshine has deteriorated to heavy rain) and this NFY and garden tick will return to be recorded!

Simultaneously excellent and frustrating sighting in the front garden this morning when a brief look out of the front door while my camera was uploading the last two days' Northumberland take revealed a Broad-bordered Bee Hawk-moth nectaring at the Red Valerian. Realising the R7 was unavailable I grabbed my night rigged 7Dii only to find as I lined it up that the battery was dead. Needless to say by the time I changed it the moth had departed. Hopefully the weather will pick up again (early sunshine has deteriorated to heavy rain) and this NFY and garden tick will return to be recorded!

Never yet seen a Bee Hawk-moth of either kind despite having seen many rarer moths! Really are up there on my most wanted list
Never yet seen a Bee Hawk-moth of either kind despite having seen many rarer moths! Really are up there on my most wanted list
This is only my third of these, the others being one at Tugley Wood many years ago before I was into moths and one at bramble flowers by the Basingstoke Canal that I photographed nondigitally. Narrow-bordered I've seen once in Dorset but it didn't hang about for photos.

One of the benefits of keeping all my moth records on an excel spreadsheet is that having quickly & easily entered the records it is then fairly straightforward to play around with it to extract data.

So, having started in May 2020, and taken a break last year, this is my fourth June of trapping. Average numbers of individual macros per night if trapping are as follows -

2020 - 34.00
2021 - 40.93
2022 - 28.77

and so far this year? 6.00! Bloody awful!

So not too many recent highlights to report, best being a micro tick, Ash-bud Moth. NFY Poplar Grey, Willow Beauty & Large Yellow Underwing and a Green Oak Tortrix while out and about.


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It had been a largely cool, overcast day in west London yesterday (like most days recently!) but skies cleared to some degree late afternoon.

We had 2 traps out at a small reserve last night & the underwhelming numbers were more typical of January! Lowest ever for June with:

Blotched Emerald
White Point
Treble Brown-spot
Hedya pruniana 7
Aleima loeflingiana
Archips xylosteana 3

No other insects in them either.
Nowt in pot for me last night apart from a weeny (Micro) and an escape.😩
Around the halogen light on the wall- my 2nd Blue Carpet, 2 Brimstone, my 2nd Maiden’s Blush and a Light Emerald….certainly better than a poke in the eye with a sharp stick considering this January in June weather we’re having.


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First night last night with a couple of Entolights, and warmer temps, and might have been my best night yet. At least 96 species, still trying to nail a few down, 4 lifers and 19 NFY. Temps are expected to get in upper 90's next week, so probably some more big nights coming.
Lifer Dimorphic Tosale Moth

Lifer Sharp-lined Yellow

Lifer and potential 1st state record - Elachista madarella

Orange-barred Carpet
First night last night with a couple of Entolights, and warmer temps, and might have been my best night yet. At least 96 species, still trying to nail a few down, 4 lifers and 19 NFY. Temps are expected to get in upper 90's next week, so probably some more big nights coming.
Lifer Dimorphic Tosale Moth

Lifer Sharp-lined Yellow

Lifer and potential 1st state record - Elachista madarella

Orange-barred Carpet

You may have seen this moth chipper? A day flier that I encountered in Oregon a few years ago, it simply blew me away…enjoy.👍


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