Andy Adcock
Worst person on Birdforum

Keep your cats indoors all the time...
Keep your cats indoors all the time...
You're all wrong. Solution is get a dog, or a rabbit!
Okay so I thought you were being snarky at first but...I looked up that CatBib and I have to admit, that's pretty cool.or cat bib
I can tell you a story about how just a couple housecats can all but completely wipe-out an entire herpatalogical ecosystem for miles around a rural home. :eek!:
Samandag, yes I have seen that. I have to say that I am not a fan of poisoning for at least 2 very good reasons:CJ,
Here are some resources for you:
Australian Government’s Threatened Species Strategy identifies tackling feral cats as its top priority for action:
The Mammal Action Plan 2012 and a report published in 2014 by the US National Academy of Sciences (Woinarski et al) ranked feral cats as the highest threat to Australia's mammals. Their threat factor was more than double that of red foxes, the next highest threat, and triple that of habitat loss and fragmentation.
Feral cats have contributed to the extinction of at least 28 mammal species since they first arrived in Australia, and they continue to wreak havoc. They imperil around a third of threatened mammals, reptiles, frogs and birds.
18th Australasian Vertebrate Pest Conference Melbourne 2020:
The choice is very simple: cats or wildlife, no whining or thumb-sucking.
Samandag, yes I have seen that. I have to say that I am not a fan of poisoning for at least 2 very good reasons:
1) It is intolerably cruel.
2) There is significant risk of secondary poisoning of things like raptors, and other native carnivores that take any portion of their diet as carrion.
Even feral pests (superbly adapted hunters that belong in other countries) deserve a humane death - put to sleep, bullet to the brain etc.
There is an existing thread here:
Chosun :gh: