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Local ravens! (1 Viewer)

Finally caught them on a recording!
Happened to be outside when the local crows started fussing off in the distance. Very far off, I just barely heard the raven call. I’ve glimpsed the ravens a handful of times since we moved here at the end of 2021, but haven’t been able to document any sightings or sounds until today. Brought up my Merlin app and lucked out; it called again. All too often, I hear one and by the time I get my phone out, it’s long gone and I start doubting myself. Lol

At minute 1:20.7 of the recording, you can just hear it calling, far off in the distance. Then again several seconds later. It’s extremely quiet but Merlin managed to register it.

I wish I could entice them in closer for a better look and better recordings, but I’m happy just to know they’re out there. Prior to 2021, I hadn’t seen or heard one (for sure) in nearly 20 years. My first sightings were hours away in Cook’s Forest, then several years later, outside Anchorage, Alaska. Having them practically in my back yard is exciting. Even if they’re elusive.

(All the songbirds in the… er, foreground, are fun too. We have such a variety of birds here. Merlin even thinks it heard a White-eyed Vireo a few days ago. Though I’m not convinced of that one; pretty sure it’s the wrong time of year for those.)


  • 2023-10-03 1319.wav
    10.1 MB
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