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Mallorca 2022 (10 Viewers)

Hello again from Northampton....and the sad tale of Scops Owls in Port de Pollenca. When I first visited in 2000 the first bird I heard was a Scops as we arrived at about 2200 and they were fairly easy to see on lampposts in the area of the Guardia Civil, although I can't recall the actual nest site being tracked down. However there was a pair that I found in a drainpipe at the side of the Uyal Hotel on the seafront- but it took until virtually the last night to prove the exact location. I missed a year due to the birth of my second son, and when we returned the birds weren't there any more but still reliable near the GC, and one year the nest site was in a vent in the side of the Farmacia on the seafront. Fast forward a few years to 2010 and calling was constant near the Uyal again, and with the help of a photographer from Darlington I eventually found they were in a vent at the top right of the Pollentia Hotel as viewed from the back lane adjacent to the grounds of the Pollensa Park Hotel where we stayed every year we came to Mallorca. From then until 2017 they were pretty reliable and I was able to show quite a few others where they were. However in 2017 we arrived to find that the Hotel had had all the vents boarded up, and the owls were nowhere to be seen or heard. I used to do a late evening walk from the Pollensa Park each night, and some years owls were calling in the Llenaire Road area and the adjacent estate with an open square in the centre, so there could be some detective work there for someone to track down some new sites ?? We have yet to return to Mallorca due to sons growing up and being less keen to come, plus my wife having ME and then along came Covid- but we never say never again even if the years are passing rapidly by. Nice to see some names I recognise recently such as Tony and Cath still getting to the Island, and of course great thanks to you, Mike, for your sterling work in keeping the site going- I still have a look virtually every day, especially in spring. regards- Hugh
Hi Alf,
I wish the birds were still there.
A few years ago the birds were nesting in the Old Park Hotel, but the new owners bricked up the areas and since that time less and less Scops owls reported.
Geordie Dave managed to see one or two in Gotmar a few years ago but I am not that sure they have been back. He maybe can share info.
Have not heard up north for several years.
Thanks. Times change I guess and Scops Owls seem to be on the decline in general, not just Mallorca.

Following Hugh's comments above it might still be worth a late night wander although I will be at the other end of town near Avenida de Bocchoris ( I do remember when this was an isolated spot - all these blooming tourists!!)

Plenty more birds still to look for mind.

I may see some of you around.
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A change of Strategy to avoid the heat and find birds…up early and leave by 9.00…zzzzz
Straight to S’Amarador followed by the Depurador.
Few Swifts and Barn Swallows flying around.
Good to see around 12 Elanores Falcons flying over the S’ Albufera. About 10 Marsh Harriers and 4 Kestrels also seen.
Other birds seen included Hoopoe, Purple Swamphen, Cattle Egrets, Water pipits, Little Ringed Plover, 2 Marbled Ducks, Several common terns and one Whiskered Tern, Stonechats, Red Legged Partridges, Spotted flycatches, and Stone Curlew.
Only one distant view of a bee eater at Son Bosc.
Maybe the early worm does catch the birds?
A note of caution..a stupid Little ring plover has made her nest on the parking lot by the tower at the Depurador.
Always worth a visit to the Willy Restaurant after birding.


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I think Miguel was the only person reporting from the tower at Albercutx today.
10 Honey buzzard came through and 6 Marsh harrier.
More tomorrow I hope.
If I was local, I would pop up there and hope for a good result.
Good luck to anyone who goes.
Interesting to read the various Scops Owl stories. I have had an apartment in the Gotmar area of Port de Pollenca for the last 3 years and visit up to 6 times a year. I have seen or heard Scops twice in July and once in September since then. The best views were of a perched bird on the phone wires outside Stefanos restaurant. We disturbed the bird as we walked by and it flew about 20 down the street and landed on a wire next to a lamp post. I sometimes walk back from town through Siller in the evenings and 2 weeks ago had a bird calling where the houses at Siller back onto the open land next to the boat repair yard near the track to Cala San Vicenc. It does seem they are not as prolific as several years ago but I’ll keep on looking!
On the subject of Scops Owl we stayed in the monastery at Lluc for four nights last week and on the first night I heard its distinctive call from our room. It was calling from the top of one of the palm (?) trees in one of the central courtyards , and a second bird could be heard calling in the distance. After a while it dropped out of the tree and flew off, only to return a while later. I didn't hear it again on any other night or perhaps I was too tired from the heat!
Scops Owl: We have never been lucky to hear or see one however we spoke to a couple staying between Pollenca and Port de Pollenca who heard at least three during their stay most nights so hopefully its not all bad news, fingers crossed.

Nice to see a post from you Hugh, really enjoyed your "diary series"

Also looking forward to a "Some Birdwatching Notes" from Stew B, I still have the 2019 ones at hand :)
I have just been out walking locally here in the south.
At this time of the year, Scops owls are very active, calling constantly from many locations around Mondragó.
In the past, we have heard up to six birds around the park.
Tonight, we heard nothing. Not one.
I’m not sure what’s going on but there are certainly less birds than normal.
I will go out again tomorrow as there are certain nights when the birds call more.
I will report but it’s a bit of a worry.
I live in the Colonia Valley, 3kms from Pollenca and I hear Scops owls calling most nights. However, I've never managed to actually see one.
Maybe I should have a walk around the Port at dusk?
Pep made an interesting remark on my Spotted Flycatcher…was it a Mediterranean Flycatcher?

Sorry the photo I took was not that great.

I find it hard to differentiate..Any hints?

Med. Flycatcher

Spotted Flycatcher


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Had a mid morning stroll along Bocquer Valley.
As expected, many walkers on a sunny, hot Sunday.
Bird life was quiet.
4 Blue Rock Thrushes, Many Sardinian Warblers, Blackcaps, Goldfinches, Greenfinches, and Chaffinches. Also saw 2 Spotted/ Mediterranean Flycatchers. A few Common Swifts flew over.
One distant view of Booted Eagle.
No sigh of Honey Buzzards reported yesterday, nor of Cirl Buntings, Elanoras Falcons or Wrynecks.
Several Swallowtails, Speckled Wood, and Large Whites Butterflies seen.
Weather is expected to change on Wednesday with rain, and lower temperatures.
Lets see what it brings.
An early morning walk around the fields near the Caves of Campanet.
This area is really enjoyable with its mountainous background, fincas and fruit / Olive trees.
Easy walk.
Still relatively quiet for birds.
Most numerous were Greenfinches, Goldfinches, Serins, and Sardinian Warblers.
A few swifts were flying over and one Kestrel and one Red Kite made their appearance.
Several nice butterflies were seen, including Southern Common Blue, Large White, Swallowtail, Clouded Yellow, Cleopatra, Southern Brown Argus, Speckled Wood, Meadow and Wall Brown and Painted Lady.
Coffee and Apple Pie in the shade of the “Coves“ Cafe was welcomed.
Arriving back in Port de Pollensa, a Wryneck was calling outside my appartment.


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Looking forward to revisiting Mallorca in September after an absence of what must be more than 10 years! This won't be a full-on birding holiday (I'm getting too long in the tooth for that) but I'm relishing revisiting a few of my favourite sites.
On a surprisingly grey and breezy morning, I finally got out this morning to blow away Covid-induced cobwebs, the dreaded virus having confined me to base for best part of a fortnight. I was aiming for a brisk walk along the beach but my first stop was at the ponds in Colonia St. Jordi, the Salines de s'Avall, opposite the Hotel Blau, where I am sure the guests are far from delighted by the prevailing stench. I was rewarded with a good sight of a squacco heron, a year tick for me. Moving on to the beach before the guests spilled out of the hotels, I saw a number of shag and Audouin’s and yellow legged gulls; I turned right inland past the ponds towards the Es Trenc Road (anyone know the name of these ponds please?) leading to the saltworks and in the lagoon saw a number of Kentish plovers, a pair of shelduck and several black winged stilt. Very peaceful at about 8 a.m. Returning along the beach, I nearly trod on two small waders, they startled me so much I couldn't identify them as they flew up. And finally a spotted flycatcher posed nicely for me on a fence. All together very pleasant and refreshing after two very hot days, and very good to be out and about again.

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Nice to know you are up and about derban, it’s been a long haul for you both.
I need Squacco!
I will go tomorrow.
I just managed a short visit to the shimmering heat of the central plain at Vilafranca. There were huge numbers of Corn bunting, lots of House sparrow, Short-toed lark, Kestrel, Red kite and a splendid male Marsh harrier bearing the midday sun, quartering the cereal crops. A lovely sight.
No Red-footed falcons, it’s been a very poor year for them. I think the weather is due to change on Wednesday so that may mix things up a bit.
If not, it’s a fairly long wait until return migration in August. Still, we have lots of visitors to keep us busy until then.


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Looking forward to revisiting Mallorca in September after an absence of what must be more than 10 years! This won't be a full-on birding holiday (I'm getting too long in the tooth for that) but I'm relishing revisiting a few of my favourite sites.
You wouldn't be the Pete Sadler from London who studied something to do with numbers in Canterbury at the start of the seventies would you?

Whatever the case may be, all the best,

David Erban
You wouldn't be the Pete Sadler from London who studied something to do with numbers in Canterbury at the start of the seventies would you?

Whatever the case may be, all the best,

David Erban
Afraid not David (I even had to resit my maths O Level so my facility with numbers was minimal at that time). I'm based in Nottingham.

At 19.00 the temperature dropped a few degrees, so decided to walk along Can Curasso road.
This morning the Nightingales and Hoopoes were calling, tonight Fan tailed, Sardinian and Cettis warblers were calling.
So many Goldfinches and Greenfinches, as well as many Stonechats.
Several Black winged Stilts were seen.
One Kestrel and one Osprey seen.
No sign of Golden Orioles but maybe one Spotless Starling in the distance.
Pleasent walk in the cool of the day.


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