Meopta has recently posted a number of news items on it’s site, though as yet none concerning the sale, see at:
News | Meopta :: Better view of the world
One dated the 18th May, is about successfully tendering to provide the UTAAS (Universal Tank and Anti-Aircraft Fire Control System) targeting technology,
for the Mk V version of the CV90 infantry fighting vehicle to be produced by the Swedish company BAE Systems.
So Meopta will necessarily remain an ongoing concern, at least in some form. Though as gabik notes, the binocular (sports optics) division is a small part of the overall operations.
As the news item states:
'Meopta is one of the strategic companies in the Czech Republic and this year marks its 90th anniversary since its founding, when it began developing telescopes, observation devices, and scopes for civilian and military use.
Today, Meopta is a global technology company with partners worldwide and advanced manufacturing facilities in the Czech Republic and the United States.
It employs 1,700 people, with 99% of its production exported to over 70 countries around the world.
Meopta now develops and manufactures advanced optical and optoelectronic systems, ranging from military and sports optics to semiconductors, digital cinema projection, medical, and industrial applications. A significant competitive advantage is its own development center and industrial quality control.'