My 100-400 came yesterday. It's my first Leica lens and I couldn't help bursting out into song..."Leica virgin...set the f stop, for the very first time" ;o0
I also got a new GX85, and learning the combo is a bit challenging. I'll have some comments on the lens when I get some more experience with it. Meanwhile, I went out this morning an got a couple of hand-held shots. The autofocus and OIS are impressive
Both shots are taken at 400mm, auto focus, straight out of camera except for crop and rot on coot. Coot looks fairly good, robin is soft. Perhaps due to ISO of 250 and 1000 respectively. Coot is full auto exp, robin aperture priority.
C&C welcome.
Hope you dont mind but just out of interest i ran the Robin through shake reduction,obviously it would not be perfect but if it was a rare catch.