Overall to me it seems that the Panaleica 100-400mm is a solid lens with 800mm reach,
That is also my impression, and some of the results I have seen elsewhere seem better than the result you linked to.
Overall to me it seems that the Panaleica 100-400mm is a solid lens with 800mm reach,
A few birding pics with G7 and 100-400. Gulls from around 50m, curlew from 25m. Sparrowhawk from just 6m, but through window glass, at iso 2000 on a dark day.
I got rid of all my big stuff due to bad health but find it difficult to let go . Bought gx8 and 100-400 but now have gout so can only sit in garden room and look out .
first couple of pics - not bad even if lowly breeds .
Lens seems very sharp , not sure about mirrorless yet !
I have years of experience shooting birds, both in flight and sitting on perches.
In the case of the geese I was sitting on the ground with a shutter speed of 1/640, iso200, 400mm f5.6. The focus point was the smallest using S-AF. I took perhaps 40-50 photos making sure to be very still and I couldn't notice any atmospheric issues since I was only 20-30 metres away from them.
I will try some more with a tripod and some test targets.
Try some with the E shutter at the same time,if the mechanical shutter shots are unsharp but the E shutter ones are sharp its shutter shock.
I did, but i cant remember which were e-shutter and which were mechanical lol.
I do have the gx85 as well so I will try some with that to compare.
I mean that he seemed to have reached the conclusion before even starting the test ...
I just did the most unscientific test ever, but the results are kind of telling. Something is up with the GX8.
I shot several shots with both mechanical and e-shutter on the GX8. I couldn't tell a difference between them.
I did the same with the GX80. Same settings and everything.
Here is the results.
Is this the infamous shutter shock? if so the camera is basically unusable :/
It cant be SS with the E shutter you have some other problem,perhaps a stabilization fault,in any case it looks like a return job for the GX8.
I decided to go all in on panasonic so I bought the gx8 on a great discount and the 100-400 since I have read really good things about it.
I haven't shot too much with it yet but BIF is practically impossible. I haven't got 1 sharp bird yet. It seems like the 100-400 is really really soft at longer distances. Up close it looks good, but other than that...
I have seen other people posting BIF and longer distance shots. I am aware of atmosphere etc, but I cant even get a seagull against the blue sky sharp.
The bokeh is also horrible in some cases. Not sure if it's the lens or just the smaller sensor that does it.
Here are some shots. No crops and one 100% close up of the geese.
I am not sure what I am doing wrong.
In the photo of the geese you're clearly focusing on the grass in front of the birds rather than the birds themselves.
The Oly 300 is alot more money and my friend has had similar issues with his 300 where it would be very soft at distances.
For the price of these optics I would expect great performance at all distances. Maybe not at all focus lengths but surely all distances.