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Nikon Monarch HG 8X30 vs Nikon Monarch 7 8x30 (1 Viewer)

So does that mean that Nikon now has the Monarch 7, the Monarch M7 and the Monarch HG? .... I can see two but three? I wonder if the Monarch M7 replaces the Monarch 7?
It is a bit confusing. The Monarch M7 replaces the Monarch 7, however, I saw an M7+ version on the nikon.de website. It is said to have field flatteners.
Yes indeed!
You should do marketing copy and photography for Nikon since your reviews above and earlier comparing the Zeiss 8x25 are better than anything I've read or seen on Nikon's website. Nikon needs to step up its marketing. The EDG died not because it wasn't up to the competition but because Nikon did a lousy job promoting it.

Kudos on another great review!



Yes indeed, I used only a short version to avoid unnecessary repetition of the full denomination for the two binoculars!
Upland, sorry if I created confusion!
I’m quite surprised that you found the CA to be almost the same. When I tested these two outside by side that was one of the things that popped out to me, that the monarch HG was much better. I think I expected that because if I’m not mistaken it uses an ED glass.
Brocknroller, thank you!
Paultricounty, they seemed quite similar to CA...but the visual estimation of chromatic aberrations has a higher degree of subjectivity. It is not excluded that HG will be very slightly better than Monarch 7 at CA
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