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Norfolk Butterflies and Moths (1 Viewer)

We have a patch of about an acre of flower-rich grassland on the marsh at the back of the house (Thorpe-next-Haddiscoe). Currently it's full of flowering fleabane, BFT, yellow rattle, red clover & water mint ... it was also full of butterflies this afternoon: mainly small torts (200++) and peacocks (100+), but still dozens of fading meadow browns and gatekeepers, plus smaller numbers of painted lady's, red admirals, small coppers & various whites.

Best of all (?)the first common blues of the year (until last summer very common here) after none in earlier hatch period. Still no brown argus or walls - which we normally record here, but - 3+ clouded yellows - which are our first/only records here since 2 in 2005 and a single in 2010.

Chris A


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Flushed a Red Underwing from the porch of a house in Hempnall today. It flew around erratically for a short while before going in under the eaves of the house next door. I usually record one or two of these large, impressive moths each summer, and they are usually seen in situations like this.
Several swallowtail caterpillars at hickling broad today and my daughter got to see her first swallowtail butterfly,although it was a bit tatty.
Strumpshaw fen on sunday afternoon: Brimstones 7, Painted Lady 1, Common Blue 1, Holly Blue 1, Gatekeeper 2, Meadow Brown 2, Peacocks 50+, Small Torts 50+, Large (50+), Small (10+) & GV Whites 2. But the highlight was the nettles at the riverside around the tower hide which were festooned with Small Tort chrysalises . Almost every nettle had at least one golden pod hanging from them. Interstingly all on the tower side rather than the river side. Lots of caterpillars of both small tort and peacock, ranging from about to pupate to 2nd instar. Rather worryingly at least three dead small torts with parasite pupae around them.
After work this evening I saw 7 Clouded Yellows and 1 Painted Lady in the field SE of the bend just after the drying barns at Choseley (TF758413)

Gt Yarmouth cemetery had the following butterflies today.
Common Blue (40) Holly Blue (15) Small Copper (29) Small Heath (3) Gatekeeper (8) Large White (32) Small White (34) Grayling (1) Small Tortoiseshell (36) Peacock (19) Painted Lady (1)
At St Andrew's business park today I found a tiny Brown Argus. Probably the smallest butterfly I'll ever see - it was about 17mm wingtip to wing tip. Absolutely jewel like and quite lovely. I've had a number of reports of unusually small butterflies this year, usually an indicator of poor nutrition in the caterpillar stage, but this one must have been starved.
Dark sword grass in the Titchwell moth trap this morning. Good numbers of canary shouldered thorns but not a great deal else. Still 3+ clouded yellows on East Trail today

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Clouded Yellows are becoming old news now , but two at Stiffkey this afternoon over a month since I saw the first one of the summer there.

Old news perhaps but always good news, so thanks for posting. I like reading about where they are turning up, and in what numbers, so I hope everyone keeps posting their sightings of them. My previous record of sightings in any one year was only two (2003) and so far this year I'm currently at ten (including a few Suffolk records) with hopefully more to come.

Small Torts

Over 100 Small Torts, all fresh nectaring along the cliffs at Trimingham Tues plus equal numbers of Silver Y's. Still good numbers of Peacocks etc but only 1 Common Blue and no Red Admirals
Hi there. Finally made it on the forum after lurking for the last month. Some of the butterfly info for the region has been really useful to pick up.

Spent a few hours around Kelling/Salthouse yesterday. Approx 18-19 species of butterfly there and I think the only absentees from my last visit a month ago were the Red and White Admirals. Looked like there were still some Silver Studded Blues knocking around, but I need to check my pics for clarification. Other stand outs were:

My first ever Clouded Yellows. Skirting, but not settling in a Clover field close to the dunes. Around 4-5 in all, albeit in 10 minute intervals over an hour.

A tatty Purple Hairstreak.

First Small Heaths I've seen anywhere this summer - lots of them near said clover field.

The first Wall's I've seen this year. Three in all.

A solitary Small Copper - my first for two years at least.
After work this evening I saw 7 Clouded Yellows and 1 Painted Lady in the field SE of the bend just after the drying barns at Choseley (TF758413)


Just to add to the info on clouded yellows in this area, they seem drawn to the HLS planting scheme along field boundaries bordering the coast path east of the barns.

3+ clouded yellows at Welney WWT today, also a faded Wall Brown, lots of Whites, Peacocks and Small Torts. Also of note, 2 Large Red Underwings flying about.
There is a church opposite us at work with a Buddleia growing out of the wall about 20 feet up in the air. It is covered with Tortoiseshells and Whites at the moment but, hallelujah, I have just seen my first Painted Lady of the year on it. Now where's that Clouded Yellow?

Advice needed. I may take a trip out to Warham on Sunday or Monday (if the weather is as decent as promised). Does anybody know if the Chalkhill Blues are still about and in decent numbers?

There is a church opposite us at work with a Buddleia growing out of the wall about 20 feet up in the air. It is covered with Tortoiseshells and Whites at the moment but, hallelujah, I have just seen my first Painted Lady of the year on it. Now where's that Clouded Yellow?


I have seen one solitary Painted Lady this year, at Sandringham - obviously by Royal Appointment! Little surprised not to have witnessed more than that though.

Hi. Good to have you on board and looking forward to hearing about your latest sightings.



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