C B Allen
Chris Allen
We have a patch of about an acre of flower-rich grassland on the marsh at the back of the house (Thorpe-next-Haddiscoe). Currently it's full of flowering fleabane, BFT, yellow rattle, red clover & water mint ... it was also full of butterflies this afternoon: mainly small torts (200++) and peacocks (100+), but still dozens of fading meadow browns and gatekeepers, plus smaller numbers of painted lady's, red admirals, small coppers & various whites.
Best of all (?)the first common blues of the year (until last summer very common here) after none in earlier hatch period. Still no brown argus or walls - which we normally record here, but - 3+ clouded yellows - which are our first/only records here since 2 in 2005 and a single in 2010.
Chris A
Best of all (?)the first common blues of the year (until last summer very common here) after none in earlier hatch period. Still no brown argus or walls - which we normally record here, but - 3+ clouded yellows - which are our first/only records here since 2 in 2005 and a single in 2010.
Chris A
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