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Norfolk charity breeding a ‘non-migratory’ Turtle Dove flock (1 Viewer)

Seems like a terrible idea - assuming they can actually breed out migratory instinct, what happens when they interbreed with wild birds?

Turtle dove conservation surely needs an international approach focussed on reducing hunting pressure and improving habitat quality. Most of the turtle dove population is not in UK anyway.
They used to do this just down the road ( 1.5 miles ) at Pensthorpe and release them nearby. Turtle Doves regularly bred in a mature hedgerow behind my house many years ago but last one seen around our village was several years ago. Though there is a wonderful site about 10 miles where they were seen and heard this year.
Not sure how I feel about this operation tbh.
Why 'Ruffled Feathers' and not 'Birds & Birding'?

(BTW, I wrote about it last year and, then, some months after, and the response was mostly enthusiastic, although I'd be a little wary myself.)
Why 'Ruffled Feathers' and not 'Birds & Birding'?

(BTW, I wrote about it last year and, then, some months after, and the response was mostly enthusiastic, although I'd be a little wary myself.)
great question, probably because I didn’t think of it
Whilst this may seem insane, Norfolk led the way by introducing non-migratory Common Cranes to the Norfolk Broads in the 70s & 80s & that caught on... 😀

By the way, that is a joke (albeit accurate). It is insane and it should receive no donations or funding. All their money should be directed to purchasing land for nature and rewilding.

All the best

Whilst this may seem insane, Norfolk led the way by introducing non-migratory Common Cranes to the Norfolk Broads in the 70s & 80s & that caught on... 😀

By the way, that is a joke (albeit accurate). It is insane and it should receive no donations or funding. All their money should be directed to purchasing land for nature and rewilding.

All the best

Oh I don't know, seems eminently sensible to me.

The same principle could be employed elsewhere. Like saving the White Rhino - all you need to do is cross breed them with Guinea Pigs with some clever gene splicing thingamujigging and the future of the species could be saved - win win on all fronts.
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