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NZ North in November (1 Viewer)


Well-known member
After french fascist attack ( with guns ) in New Caledonia, I escaped to Auckland.
So I had there 1 week instead of 8 h.

I visited Waipoa Forest, Puketi Forest for the plants.
Furthermore Aroha island ( which is under reconstruction now ), Reserve in opposite of Aroha island, Tiritiri Matangi, Ambury parc near Auckland airport and Miranda wetlands.

Aroha island will reopen soon. I was allowed for a short visit.
One guide said the made Kiwi watching. At 12 trips, they saw 11 x Kiwis, at one they only heard them.
Tiri is open from Thuersday to Sunday and reachable with the ferry from Auckland or gulf harbour. An excellent place for watching rare birds like Takahe, Stitchbird and Kokako.
In Ambury parc near airport is possible to see more than 1.000 waders ( end of November ).
Miranda wetlands it said had 4.500 Bar-tailed Godwit and 3.500 Knot.
End of November should be the peak of the numbers.
Also other rare birds are there like Wrybill and Hudsonian Godwit.
You have to check the tides. In low tide the birds are far away from the viewpoints.
When the water comes, the birds come more and more very close to the viewpoint.
Then the waders go to sleep to the small lake near the street for 2 h during peak of high tide.

Song Trush

Indian Mynah
Australasian Harrier

Pied Stilt ( different in Ambury parc )
2 x Austral Gannet
Southisland Oystercatcher

Red-billied Gull
Black-billied Gull ( mostly in Miranda )
Dominican Gull

1 x Black Swan ( Reserve in opposite of Aroha island )
House Sparrow
2 x Takahe ( Tiri )
Saddleback ( different, Tiri )

Whithehead ( different, Tiri )
Red-fronted Paraket ( Tiri )
4 x Kokako ( one was 5 m away in the tree, Tiri )
Stitchbird ( different, Tiri )

1 x Little Blue Penguin ( Tiri )
White-fronted Tern
Welcome Swallow
NZ Robin ( different, Tiri )
2 x Grey Warbler ( Waipoa Forest )

Bar-tailed Godwit ( lots in Ambury and Miranda )
Knot ( lots in Miranda and some in Ambury )
1 x NZ Shoveler ( Ambury )
Sky Lark ( different in Miranda )
Little Black Shag

Great Black Shag
Little Pied Shag
Great Pied Shag
1 x Wrybill ( Miranda )
2 x Hudsonian Godwit ( Miranda )

Turnstone ( different, Miranda )
NZ Dotterel ( Ambury, Miranda )
Banded Dotterel ( Miranda )
Kaspian Tern ( Miranda )
Little Tern ( Miranda )

Californian Quail
Grey Teal ( Miranda )
Brown Teal ( Tiri )
NZ Dobchick
Paradies Duck


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The Wrybill must have been quite special but it is a shame to see so many introduced birds on the list. When I visited New Zealand I found introduced species to be far more common than the native species.
Introduced Birds


the introduced birds like Plover, Rosella, Indian Mynah and so on is hard for the birdlife.
But more problem in NZ are the cats, deers, rats and finally possums.

But this kind of problem comes more and more.
Think about Miconia calvescens in Polynesia, Lygodium in Florida.

Ower industrie bought cheap loose cheapings from abroad and introduced lots of plant. Also one from Japan. From this plant You can break a branch, throw down and there grow a new one. The roots grow also into the streets.

Best regards
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