I remember trying a pair of Swarovski EL 8.5x42's back in 2008 when my best binocular was a Celestron Regal LX 8x42 . The affect it had on me stuck with me for many years . The Swarovski wowed me to the extreme and I never was fully happy with the Regal after that . Eventually I managed to enjoy bins like Nikon SE's and Nikon E2's . They soothed my want for a better binocular .
Back to present day . A few weeks ago I went to a local camera store to buy Peak Design quick release anchors for my Nikon Monarch HG 8x42 . The guy at the store told me to bring my bins with me so that he could install the anchors for me . While I was there I wanted to see how much better an NL pure would be over my MHG's . Unfortunately the NL Pure was a special order item so the only high end bin they had in stock was a present day Swarovski EL 8.5x42
I was worried that my brief comparison of the two bins would taint my opinion of the Monarch HG . Fortunately it was the opposite . It was obvious that the EL was the better binocular but the difference was subtle to me to the point that unless I won a lottery I cannot see myself spending more than double what I paid for the Nikon's to get a subtle difference . Sorry Swarovski .