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Optics to try in 2023 (1 Viewer)

I remember trying a pair of Swarovski EL 8.5x42's back in 2008 when my best binocular was a Celestron Regal LX 8x42 . The affect it had on me stuck with me for many years . The Swarovski wowed me to the extreme and I never was fully happy with the Regal after that . Eventually I managed to enjoy bins like Nikon SE's and Nikon E2's . They soothed my want for a better binocular .
Back to present day . A few weeks ago I went to a local camera store to buy Peak Design quick release anchors for my Nikon Monarch HG 8x42 . The guy at the store told me to bring my bins with me so that he could install the anchors for me . While I was there I wanted to see how much better an NL pure would be over my MHG's . Unfortunately the NL Pure was a special order item so the only high end bin they had in stock was a present day Swarovski EL 8.5x42 :)
I was worried that my brief comparison of the two bins would taint my opinion of the Monarch HG . Fortunately it was the opposite . It was obvious that the EL was the better binocular but the difference was subtle to me to the point that unless I won a lottery I cannot see myself spending more than double what I paid for the Nikon's to get a subtle difference . Sorry Swarovski .
It’s only subtle when you try them both in a store. Live with the two for a week then tell me that😝✌🏼.
What optics are you interested in trying out in 2023?

My list:

Not yet tested:
  • ATC
  • Habicht
  • Harpia 95
  • ATX 95/115
  • Meopta S2
  • Vortex Kaibab 18x56
  • Zeiss 20x60 IS
  • Canon 15x50 IS
  • APO-Televid 82
Tested already, but more time needed:

What does more time needed mean on that list?
  • NL Pure 8/10x32
  • SFL 8/10x40
  • Vortex Razor UHD 10x42/50
  • Noctivid 8/10x42
  • SF 10x42
  • Ultravid 10x/25/32
  • CL 10x25
  • Canon 18x50 IS
  • BTX
Nope. I can pretty much see for myself when someone is patronizing and it was not my first run-in with him. Better for all involved when ignoring him, really.
I didn’t really get the patronizing post, but reading this now appears the second part of this sentence is your motivator.

The alpha being worth it has been going on since the beginning of time. I ve said this before, for those who don’t see the difference , it’s not worth it , for those that do see the difference some still don’t think it’s not worth it , and those that see the difference and think it’s worth it.

I’ve learned one thing, you can’t truly evaluate $1000 to $2000 binoculars in 5 minutes in a store. If you convinced yourself of that I’m sure the $500 buyer would say the samething about the $1000 optic and so on. ✌🏼
What does more time needed mean on that list?
Basically just that I’ve seen them already, but would like to check them out again, for one reason or another. Generally because I’ve learned more in the meantime, or because I’d like to compare it with something I didn’t have earlier.
Zeiss Victory 8x25 is a dangerous bin.

I brought them as a back up pair, something light for the pocket. I brought a second pair for the flight bag.

They really are into one and done territory for daylight birding.
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