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Photos or not? (1 Viewer)

Western Tanager

Active member
I am planning my 3rd trip to Ecuador. I hope to go to the eastern slope this time in December. I have enjoyed more and more lately taking photos of the birds I see. I also like being able to share them with friends and family that are interested. Additionally, I have noticed that when I look over my life list I see birds on there that I don't remember actually seeing. But if I have a photo of the bird it sure helps me to remember the bird and time and place that I saw that bird. I know that taking photos can negatively impact the number of species seen, especially in a mixed flock situation and I plan to discuss this with my guide. I think I want to balance my photos with the current situation and opportunities. I am just rambling here and sharing some thoughts and am interested in hearing from others about their perspective on this matter.
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