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Possible short-billed gull Reno NV USA January (1 Viewer)


Well-known member
Short-billed gulls are rare in Reno NV with the exception of a few strays that stop over near the city at a place called Sparks Marina. This past week two first winter Short-billed gulls have been reported by a number of birders at Sparks Marina so I went out to see if I could find them amongst the mobs of California and Ring-billed gulls. The enclosed photos are as close as I could come to finding these birds. I am worried that the bill is too large for a SBG. Since I have little skill at identifying gulls during their early stages of development I thought I would see if anyone could provide me with some more insight. Do any of these 3 photos look like a Short-billed Gull and if so, which ones? Thanks for your help. Kathy
BZ5A7931 Short-billed Gull small.jpgBZ5A7997 Short-billed Gull small.jpgBZ5A8058 Short-billed gull small.jpg
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