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Product Review: The Oberwerk Sports ED 8 x 42 (1 Viewer)

Good Morning Everyone,

Please find attached my latest review of the Oberwerk Sports ED 8 x 42:

I hope you find it interesting!


View attachment 1528415
Nice review Neil. I liked the look as soon as I seen them. A shame they’re made in that Asian country (or are they?) that I won’t mention by name (at least in this post) because it hurts some members sensibilities. Would you say these are par with things like Nikon M5 or even M7, Vortex Diamondback or viper?

The focuser sounds excellent, would’ve been nice if Oberwerk could’ve done better on the SE focuser.

Hello Paul,

Thanks for the heads up.

The Sport ED is in a different league to all those you mentioned IMO.

Very similar to a Zeiss Conquest HD 8 x 42 but with a nicer focus wheel and a wider FOV.

With best wishes,

Hello Paul,

Thanks for the heads up.

The Sport ED is in a different league to all those you mentioned IMO.

Very similar to a Zeiss Conquest HD 8 x 42 but with a nicer focus wheel and a wider FOV.

With best wishes,

Wow, that’s putting the MIC $300 glass in the same category of the upper mid level MIJ, MIP $1000 range options. Maybe soon we’ll start seeing those $1000 options moved to China, and prices reduced.
I read Neil's reviews regularly and appreciate the broad, understandable analysis! And in the case of the Obies, I could not agree more. Its great to have a fine pair of binoculars and still have some money in my wallet :)
Wow, that’s putting the MIC $300 glass in the same category of the upper mid level MIJ, MIP $1000 range options. Maybe soon we’ll start seeing those $1000 options moved to China, and prices reduced.
Exactly. And only stupid people like me will continue buying those expensive binos made in Europe that underperform against all the wonderful new instruments made in a country far, far away …
Thanks for the review Neil. I had a chance to check these out, but unfortunately, the copy failed to impress from an optical standpoint (sharpness, glare, CA and distortion control). Oberwerks are certainly great for beginners as they are guaranteed for collimation out of the box from the manufacturer; the limited warranty is only for 2 years. For the price point, I, like Andy W, would rather choose the Nikon.
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Thanks for the review Neil. I had a chance to check these out, but unfortunately, the copy failed to impress from an optical standpoint (sharpness, glare, CA and distortion control). Oberwerks are certainly great for beginners as they are guaranteed for collimation out of the box from the manufacturer; the limited warranty is only for 2 years. For the price point, I, like Andy W, would rather choose the Nikon.
I here that, I still would rather have the Nikon name, at some point if I wanted to sell I could still get more than 20 cents on the dollar. Although if buying new I’d go Viper , just for the aded benefit of the country of manufacture origin.
Does anybody know if the boss at Oberwerk (Kevin?) has a username here? I have a question for him about some recently purchased 12x50 SEs.
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