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- November 9 (Parque Mambucaba, Ubatuba and transfer to São Paulo)
Our final full day had us driving 2 hours north into Rio de Janeiro, in search of the last endangered antwren of the trip, the Black-hooded Antwren at Parque Mambucaba. Thankfully our main target was easily seen within minutes of arriving and while we enjoyed breakfast, we added a few other limited range species that we had missed so far, including Mantled Hawk, Lemon-chested (Rio de Janeiro) Greenlet, Long-billed Wren, Buff-fronted Seedeater and Sooty Grassquit. As we turned the car around, we failed to find a Biscutate Swift in the flock of White-collared Swift but got great views of some widespread like Pale-vented Pigeon, Cocoi Heron, Savanna Hawk, Rufous-tailed Jacamar and Buff-fronted Saltator.
Back in the Ubatuba area, we birded a side road, where another guide had shared sightings of a Black-legged Dacnis, sadly, this tough bird was a no-show, but the bird variety was incredible in the trail, including a vocal Chestnut-backed Antshrike, a sunbathing Laughing Falcon and a gigantic mixed flock that included Pale-browed Treehunter, Orange-headed and Brazilian Tanager, White-bellied Seedeater, Long-tailed Tyrant and Chestnut-crowned Becard among the highlights. The beautiful, White-shouldered Fire-eye finally gave us a proper view after brief glimpses in the past couple of days while seeing a Buff-throated Purpletuft in the more familiar location was a pleasant bonus. Heading back to the lodge we noted a Green Kingfisher and a Giant Cowbird by a stream, while a walk through the trail before lunch netted us all 3 possible manakin species, including the widespread White-bearded Manakin, and a lekking Reddish Hermit. After lunch, we managed to finally connect with Spot-backed Antshrike just outside of our rooms, while the trail gave us views of a female Spot-billed Toucanet and possibly the hardest anyone has tried for an Eye-ringed Tody-Tyrant.
Seeing as not much else was possible to see with the rains returning, we began the drive back to São Paulo, as my friend’s flight was moved to that night. Not much of note happened along the way, we arrived at the airport on time, and we drove to our hotel for the night.
- November 10 (Parque Estadual de Cantareira and departure)
While most people would have chosen to sleep in on the last morning, Demis and I chose to visit a nearby state park to see what we could add in 2 hours of birding. Turns out that you can do a lot! Starting with Crescent-chested Puffbird, a species that we somehow managed to miss all trip, but we got a pair right away. Passing by the dam we noticed a Striated Heron, and while I was thankful to get easy views of Eye-ringed Tody-Tyrant, the standout flycatcher was a Southern Bristle-Tyrant, a species that outside of this trail, it’s not reliably found anywhere else in São Paulo. Turning into a trail filled with non-native bamboo, we tried our luck with some skulkers and this worked out great as we had brief but decisive views of Tataupa Tinamou and Such’s Antthrush, both equally gratifying as it was the first tinamou I had seen, not just heard, and the latter was a bird we had heard for the better half of the trip but hadn’t managed to get a glimpse of. On the walk back to the car, we tried for one last lifer, and this came as a family of Gilt-edged Tanager graced us with their presence, ending the trip as my 262nd lifer!
Once out of the park, we drove to the airport, said my goodbyes and many thanks to Demis, and managed to pass through with no issues. My day started in Brazil, but ended back home in Florida, while my friend would safely arrive back in his house the next day. Good end to an overall outstanding trip.