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Sharp-shinned/Cooper's? Monterey, CA 13 May 2023 (1 Viewer)


Well-known member
United States
Bird was on our fence yesterday morning. We have 4 feeders up, have for months, and this is the first time we've had a predator come in that we've seen.
I lean towards immature Sharp-shinned (but am not sure) based on following:
-Streaks on chest appear more coarse than thin
-Head and neck seem 'stubby' rather than long
-We regularly see (large) California quail in the same spot and this didn't seem much bigger.

But: based on Sibley's Cooper's would be more likely to perch in the open like that, and I know size is a bad criteria to work off of.

My wife got a better look at it as it flew off and the tail pattern could have been either

I know that's not a lot to go on, and sadly this is the only picture I have (iPhone, through a window).



  • 98A4D6B3-DB12-4708-9FDF-2C5FE8A98E12_1_201_a.jpeg
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Agree with Butty. For life-list or science (eBird?) I would not ID from this pic. It's hard enough with good views/pics.
For fun or out of curiosity, yes, head looks Sharpie. Sort of kind of maybe perhaps ;-)
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