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Switzerland 2023 (4 Viewers)

At least a million Brambling estimated as coming to roost this week between Langenthal BE et St-Urban LU, just in case anybody hasn’t ticked one on their Yearlist yet;)

These roosts usually last some time don’t they? I’d be keen to see such a spectacle but won’t be back in CH until mid-late January most likely.
If somebody has a chance to see such a spectacle, I highly recommend it.

I saw such a roost few years ago. We stood near a river of Bramblings flowing across the sky, and this river was passing constantly for a better part of an hour. And several other rivers were coming from other directions. And others we could not see. The Bramblings occupied much too large area to be seen from one place. The roost spread across a large area of woods. There was at least a dozen Buzzards, but they had no chance to make even a dent in Brambling numbers. They probably just waited to collect birds which died by themselves.
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Tried for the 1.0 Mio Bramblings the last few days…sigh.
A morning visit to Klingnauersee. Wet and Cold.
However within 2 hours some 45 birds seen including great views of Great Bittern, Whooper Swans, Marsh and Hen Harrier and the Bar headed Goose.
Some 100 Greylag Geese present but could not find the White fronted Goose.
Great to be out with friends!


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Merry Holidays and Happy Christmas and joyeuse Hanoukka and so on and so forth to you all.

I’m in Buenos Aires so it is a bit of a different flavor to the holidays - dinner at 10 pm, dancing cumbia and reggaeton in the garden, kids opening presents at midnight, then a couple more hours of partying before playing some brutally competitive card games until near sunrise and getting our clocks cleaned by the 10 year old 🤷🏻
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