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Which Spring migrants have you seen? (1 Viewer)


Well-known member
So far the first returning spring migrant Oystercatcher around the 11th of February - 2 weeks later than last year. Skylark a few days later.

Curlew around the 25th.

Possible Chiffchaff and Little Ringed Plover calling on 17th March but nothing else seen on my patch yet.
Difficult to tell - seemingly an increase in Chiffchaff and Skylark activity over the last couple of weeks, but both over-winter in my part of the UK. Both Sand Martin and Alpine Swift have been observed by others within a mile of my house over the past three days, but annoyingly not by me!
So far in Corsica : house martin, barn swallow, western yellow wagtail, bluethroat, hoopoe, sedge warbler, common redstart, ruff, green sandpiper, wryneck, Scopoli's shearwater, little ringed plover, black winged stilt, garganey, great spotted cuckoo (only a handful records on the island, a Corsica tick for me !).

Among early migrants, I have yet to see alpine swifts, sand martins, crakes...
Tree pipits, common swifts and red rumped swallows should be here anytime now !
I had my first summer visitors from Africa on the 15h of March - 1 Sand Martin at Fairburn Ings, Yorkshire and 2 of them at Martin mere, Lancashire today.

On my patch I had Linnets today which could have just moved up from the coast and Chiffchaff singing which could have come in from the coast or abroad?
20+ Sand Martins over a lake here in Cork, Ireland and a solitary Alpine Swift over a local village.

Upwards of 70 Alpine Swift have been reported through the country in the last week though.
Finally saw alpine swifts yesterday in Corsica, a noisy and high flying flock of 29...Funny that many people in the UK saw alpine swifts before me this year !
Chiffchaffs have arrived in Southampton this week - I found 30 yesterday, most of them singing. Blackcaps are also appearing in places where I didn't see them in winter, and yesterday my first Wheatear was on the local patch. Firecrests are singing, but they are probably the resident ones.
Finally, after virtually the whole of Scandinavia including the Netherlands and the British Isles reported them, I saw two Alpine Swifts yesterday.

I was almost ready to ask y'all to send them back! :devilish:
Finally Northern wheatears and sand martins today in Corsica...
Also 2 beautiful male pallid harriers on Thursday and a feldegg yellow wagtail this morning :)

Still no crakes...
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