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ZEISS DTI thermal imaging cameras. For more discoveries at night, and during the day.
Black and yellow
I'd been struggling to get a picture of a New Holland Honeyeater since I'd arrived to stay with Alex and June... hopefully there's a better one than this to come.

He was in the trees around the garden, so focusing was ummm... well not the best. Sorry.
Seaside garden
Little Grove, Albany, Western Australia
Date taken
11 November 2019
Scientific name
Phylidonyris novaehollandiae
Equipment used
Nikon Coolpix P900 Birdwatching mode
still unmistakable, Delia, one of the prettiest honeyeater I find, many thanks for sharing!!
one of my favorite form down under, thanks so much Delia for sharing this lovely shot.
Wow, I understand the need for the shot. He's so striking!!! What a lovely bird. Nothing ever stops me from taking pictures over and over. Like they say every picture tells a story.
Such a beautiful Honeyeater with the black and white with a white eye and highlighted with the bright yellow. Fabulous D!

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Asia, Australia & Pacific Islands
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delia todd
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