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Category:Melaenornis - BirdForum Opus

Genus: Melaenornis


African Flycatchers.


Melaenornis is a genus in the Family Muscicapidae.
Clements now includes Herero Chat and Silverbird in this genus. Fiscal Flycatcher has formerly been placed in its own genus Sigelus.

Genus Melaenornis viewedit
M. silens Fiscal Flycatcher
M. ardesiacus Yellow-eyed Black Flycatcher
M. annamarulae Nimba Flycatcher
M. edolioides Northern Black Flycatcher
M. pammelaina Southern Black Flycatcher
M. fischeri White-eyed Slaty Flycatcher
M. brunneus Angola Slaty Flycatcher
M. chocolatinus Abyssinian Slaty Flycatcher