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ZEISS DTI thermal imaging cameras. For more discoveries at night, and during the day.


  1. Common Eiders

    Common Eiders

    I filmed these Common Eiders at Skälderviken, Arild, Sweden, from the rocks at the sea shore. It looks like the males already started their mating behaviour.
  2. Common Pochard (♂)

    Common Pochard (♂)

    A male Common Pochard in the nature reserve Bislicher Insel nearby the city Xanten, Germany
  3. M

    Help Identifying Taxidermy Ducks

    Firstly, first post so hi! Secondly, and more importantly, hope asking for help with identity of taxidermy is Ok? I came across these in a shop (didn’t buy them, but was intrigued by their identity), and whilst normally I can identify most common/UK species either by eye or with some help from...
  4. Fandango739

    SW Florida USA - Duck & hawk

    This bird seemed too small for a Mottled, appearing not too much larger than the American Coots with which it was keeping company. Seen today at Lakes Park. Bonus bird (no photos): a hawk approximately the size of a Red-shouldered, neutral brown back and perfectly matching tail with no...
  5. Bufflehead


    bufflehead duck
  6. Female Common Pochard

    Female Common Pochard

  7. Wood duck ducklings

    Wood duck ducklings

    Cute row of wood ducklings all lined up on a log next to mom, taking a break from the water.
  8. MaxesTaxes

    Waterfowl from Vogelplas Starrevaart, Netherlands

    Hi everyone, Here are a few different duck/waterfowl species I photographed in mid-August in the Vogelplas Starrevaart (Netherlands) where I'd like to ask for or confirm my IDs on. The area is known for its high diversity of bird species. I believe it's likely that I was maybe in the "eclipse"...
  9. I  an stand on one leg!

    I an stand on one leg!

    A Mallard needing attention!
  10. I can do the twist!

    I can do the twist!

    Performing Mallard begging to be photographed.
  11. I can splash!

    I can splash!

    This mallard was putting on a show so I could get some pictures .
  12. Garganey - male

    Garganey - male

  13. gadwall


  14. American Black Duck.jpg

    American Black Duck.jpg

    Observed on the opposite side of a waterway
  15. Tom St

    Ducks and warbler in the Netherlands--Groningen

    Could you confirm that the following are indeed a flock of Green-winged Teals and a Sedge Warbler, respectively? Thanks a lot! The warbler (?) in particular confuddled me.
  16. Mandarin drake

    Mandarin drake

    Bird on a bough in woodland
  17. Eastern Marsh Harrier Miss

    Eastern Marsh Harrier Miss

    A duck ducks under water to avoid an Eastern Marsh Harrier
  18. T

    Mallard nest help!

    Hello! I am new here and apologize if I am posting in the wrong place. I am trying to find some information on Mallard ducks and their nesting habits. I live in Ontario, Canada. I have had the same hen nest in the same spot in my backyard for at least the past 4 to 5 springs. She has always...
  19. F

    Unknown pair of Ducks (Den Oever, Netherlands, Waddensea, April 2nd, 2021)

    Today (April 2nd, 2021, morning) I saw in the distance a pair of Ducks that I can't ID. Location: Den Oever, Netherlands, Southern-most edge of Waddensea. I saw the birds right on the shoreline, in the (very) soft surf, in a small group of Ducks. The rest of this group consisted of 5 male and 7...
  20. Male wood duck, breeding plumage

    Male wood duck, breeding plumage

    Simply a stunner of a bird. I traveled to a wetlands a bit farther north and west of my usual spots this weekend specifically to see this duck, as they had bred there in pretty good numbers last year and I was hoping they'd be back again this year. They are!
  21. Wood Duck

    Wood Duck

    From my morning walk today
  22. Common eider

    Common eider

    Common eiders
  23. Red-breasted merganser taking off

    Red-breasted merganser taking off

    A female red-breasted merganser takes flight
  24. Long-tailed duck

    Long-tailed duck

    A non-breeding male long-tailed duck
  25. red-breasted merganser

    red-breasted merganser

    My favorite bird